Some people are not meant to stay in your life

Sometimes I feel like life can feel like a series of connection and disconnection.
Realizing that when you loses someone it can be painful at times depending on the situation, but it's also important to recognize that not every loss is a detriment.
It doesn't bothers me to say that I lost a lot of people I use to hang around.
Not because we had an argument or a disagreement only because we just grew apart, and realizing we just have seperate lives to live.
As time goes by you're not seeing those people any more and when phone calls starts to slow down to the point there is no more communications.
Some months ago I ran into one of my long lost friends that I haven't seen in 3 yrs, and bumping into her at the nail salon felt a little awkward because we really didn't know what to say to one another.
So I went ahead and ask her how she been ect. After a little talk I ask her did she want to go out for lunch to catch up and she agreed so we sat up a good time and day to meet up.
When that day came around we met up and we talk and we laugh just talking about life and what we had going on in our life, as time whined down we got up and said our good byes.
So then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into 5 months and there it was again back to our regular life.
That's when I knew that people leave our lives for reasons that are not only beyond our control but beneficial to our personal growth and well-being.
Not everyone who crosses your path is destined to stay, and that's perfectly okay. Every loss carries with it the seed of a new beginning. By understanding that some people are not meant to be in your life, you free yourself from unnecessary heartache and open up to the possibility of richer, more meaningful connections. Embrace the natural ebb and flow of relationships, and trust that each ending is a step towards a more fulfilling journey.

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