Self Reflect Within Myself

Growing up I always was known for my kindness and willingness to help others. Despite for what I seem to have a seemingly perfect life. I often felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction and always felt so empty inside.

So as I got up this morning to do my regular every morning routine which is brush my teeth and wash my face, but this time I stopped and starred at myself in the mirror.
As I starred at myself I saw just not my physical reflection but also the many version of myself the past, present, and the future. I saw the child who I dreamed of adventurous, the teenager who longed for acceptance, and the adult who strive to be perfect in my kids eyes. But most importantly, I saw the version of myself that have been buried deep within- the verison that I had been ignoring for so long. The mirror revealed to me the source of many emptiness. Which feel like I been living my life according to the expectations of others, never stopping to consider my own desires and needs. I have forgotten how to listen to my own heart. My reflection showed me moments when I had silenced my own voice to please others. When I had chosen paths out of fear rather than passion, and how I neglected my own happiness. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realize how disconnected I had become from my own true self.
Looking in the mirror at my own reflection I started to question myself, what challenges have I faced?
What am I proud of? What do I want to change moving forward? Is I'm true to who I am?

I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes and stood tall I told myself that it's time for me to do what makes me happy and to face the challenges I always ignored that it's to follow my own heart and start scratching somethings off my bucket list.

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