What Got You Here Won't Take You Further

In life, we cannot always rely on one source of knowledge, rather it's best to keep working on strengthening your old knowledge and refining them to help solve more problems now and in the future.

During the industrial age, the rule was to go to school to get a college degree, get a job that pays enough for you to build a house, have a car and provide for your family.

However, this is the way of the old world before technology came into the picture.

Today, it's easy to earn what a government worker would earn from the comfort of your home. Although many people are trying to make work from home seem like a lazy route to take, we cannot ignore the fact that this is the new way for the average man to survive nowadays.

Those who are able to adapt to this new knowledge of the world, apply it to their life and use it to their advantage are definitely the ones going far in life right now.

Assuming the academic settings were really paying off, then that is what people would also be interested and willing to spend their time on. But that is not the case because we've seen how the rat race has made the older generations feel, with many people like my dad still yet to get his retirement grant from the government even after leaving the workforce for almost 10 years now.

If we are being honest the reality of the old world and the knowledge it brings is to some extent obsolete in today's world which is why it's best to always keep improving on yourself because what made us start writing letter on the walls pf a cave to writing on papers and now to typing on the phone is all about improvement and anyone still stuck with writing on the walls won’t go far in life.

This, of course, is an illustration of human evolution from the cavemen to the industrial age and now to the information age.

Knowledge is indeed power, but you've got to choose which knowledge carries and wields the greatest power needed to survive and thrive in this ever-changing world of today.

Imagine how all this would look like in 100 years from now, I bet our present new ways would have changed and improved. This is the way to grow and no other way. It is either you grow and improve on your knowledge, or you stop growing.


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