This is getting Personal

For some time now I've been writing about my life activities, ambitions, and aspirations. This, of course, is not what I wanted to be writing about on Hive, however overtime, writing about my own life appears to be very beneficial to me compared to trying to fit my writing to a certain topic or prompt.

This was one of the main reasons why I stopped writing in many communities that I was engaged with from the start.

Not that I hate or dislike talking about other things or sharing my thoughts on some pressing subjects, but I do not see it as something sustainable for me in the long run.

Moreover, there are times when your ideas on certain topics might be really contradicting to the general public or community. Being too honest and direct might get you in unnecessary trouble and you might end up making enemies with some people unknowingly.

This could impact the relationship that might be built in the future. For this reason, I like to talk about my personal experiences and perspectives in a way that won't look like I'm trying to point fingers at anyone. Most times the fingers are always pointed at me because I prefer to criticise myself and make retribution where needed than trying to correct or give advice to someone else.

Right now, this is already looking and sounding too personal.

Well, it is, and here is a personal picture to show you it's personal. Moving on, things will be even more personal and very soon…I’ll start creating video content. @abenad, are you ready?

Nonetheless, prompts are a perfect way to engage with other communities and also find something to write about, but once you find your voice and what ticks for you, you no longer require prompts to give you a headstart before knowing what to write about.

Prompts have countless advantages when it comes to content creation, as they are the best route to build a solid foundation when just starting to write on Hive or anywhere in general.

Yet, they are not for everyone due to how some people can judge your book based on the cover you created for it. I've seen some religious prompts that I loved, but the moment I noticed that most of the community writers are atheists, I immediately took a step back without engaging with the prompt.

Assuming I wanted to fit in, I could also disguise myself as an atheist and that would get me more votes from the community members and curators.

The greatest sin we humans like to engage in without even seeing it as a vice is that when we lie to others we think we are fooling them, not knowing that we are lying to ourselves indirectly and creating our reality around things we don't even want or like, because our minds are programmed in a way that whatever we manifest into the world will always come back to us directly or indirectly.

I believe in energies, frequencies, and the fact that there's a supreme being somewhere and everywhere because I have been able to create solutions to situations that were almost impossible in a way that is not explainable in a logical sense.

It was easier when I was still a kid, but as I got older, I realized that the angel dust that grants our wishes like a genie in a lamb keeps losing its spiritual and magical energy. This is why the world is magical to kids, and whatever they manifest at an early age often becomes a strong sense of their reality and life situation.

It is only when they get older and later get separated or disconnected from their spirituality and energy frequency due to countless reasons like currying others and corrupting themselves to sin in a ploy to fit in that they start getting attached to the physical world and forget about the magical world where they came from.

Luckily, some people can still find their way back and increase their connection to the spiritual world even as they get older, compared to many who have lost connection and only view things in the physical sense.

This is already getting too long and wasn't what I planned to pen down, but isn't that the beauty of writing and content creation? Many have become so automated and robotic that they no longer enjoy creating real content any more, instead, they just create what others would like, and want to read, and not what people really need to read and hear.

What do you think you need, and what do you think you like? Do both align or are they miles apart?
We all need to hear the truth but many of us don't like the bitter taste that comes after.

Thanks for reading

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