
In the fitness center where I workout, the pull up bar is the most neglected section of the gym. But recently, it’s has been my favorite abode.

When it comes to working with weights, many people want the bulky build for various reasons, either to brag about lifting heavy weights from the ground up or to flaunt their muscles here and there, but whichever way we see it we’ve all got our reasons for working out.

But then, many people don’t even have a reason, so they just follow the trail and the common route, which I’ve seen to be the easiest.

Pulls ups are the hardest.

From the beginning of this week I’ve never touched any weights. But merely looking at my build you’ll think that I am an heavy lifter, without knowing all I do is pull ups and body weight training.

And I have my reason for doing this.

After working out for some weeks now I feel like I am missing something, but I don’t know what it is. The feeling of having a void that needs to be filled is the feedback I get when my body,spirit and souls is trying to communicate something to me.

Call this divine, but I call it intuition.

Working with weights and lifting heavy is something I can easily do however I don’t get the type of knack I should be getting from it.

For this simple reason I started looking up how to get started with working out the right way, because I don’t want to become imbalance like most of these influencers being showed online. Many are seeing them like gods and sure wants to be like them, but I do not, so I try to find my own type of technique when it comes to working out and staying in shape.

Without further ado, I doubt calisthenics and then pull ups.

Apparently this is the hardest type of workout for most people. Anyone who can do 10 correct pulls ups in a row is said to be above average, while hitting 3 to 5 is the average rep an averagely fit person can go.

It was at this point when I now started doing pull ups that I noticed no one really go at this thing nor visit the pull up bar once every week. Some just do it to stretch it hand their muscle and zoom off.

Somehow the gym Instructor saw me with my half baked reps and decided to join me. He showed me how to do it correctly as form is very important with any workout.

I think the motivation of having another person join me gave me a push that I set a goal to hit 50 pull ups before I leave the bar. Of course I’m not doing that in one set, at times I am only able to pull one up and then rest to go at it again.

This instructor now told me that what I’m doing is exactly what many people he’s seen around here ignore because they don’t want to go the hardest route. He also said if I keep at it for a month I would be able to hit 10 good pull ups in a row, making my above average.

After four days now I was able to go 8 pull ups in a row so I guess that progress.

Until next time

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