Iceland is the best!


In a contemporary nation, everyone aspires to live a better life. Iceland is the best nation from this perspective. Electricity is free, there isn't an army, and people seldom ever lock their homes or automobiles!
Until December 1, 1918, Iceland, an island nation in the north between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, was a Danish territory. The population of Iceland is just 332,529 people. Because Icelanders trust one another, they don't lock their homes or automobiles, and kids could be left alone for a short period while their parents go shopping.
Here are a few interesting facts about Iceland:

Icelanders have a strong passion for reading. They are the world leaders in this field.
You won't be charged for water if you request it in a bar or restaurant. Their tap water, which comes from the hot springs, is of exceptional quality.
You won't require a reference letter from your prior employer if you choose to change careers. People are trusted by Icelanders, who do not exert any kind of control on them.
The only nation in the world that allows internet voting is Iceland.
This nation is regarded as being quite conservative. Regarding marriage, the locals take it quite seriously.
Nowadays, tourism is highly developed, and the number of visitors doubles annually, surpassing the population.
Iceland does not have an army. A deal between the two nations allows citizens to enlist in the Norwegian army if they choose to serve in the armed forces.
Every educational institution, including schools, is free.
Private clinics do not exist because they are unnecessary. Excellent medical care is provided by public hospitals.
One of the few European nations that employs district heating is Iceland, where residents are not charged for it.

It costs nothing to dream or to give up hope; perhaps someday we shall experience some of Iceland's positive aspects. Reading that there are nations like this was really satisfying.

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