My Reputation Score has reached 70! / レピュテーションスコアが70に😊



I recently noticed that the Reputation Score for my Hive account has reached 70.

This go-kyo is not my first Hive account. I posted on my old account, ultraseven, from 2017-2020. At that time, we were going through a cryptocurrency bubble market period and there were many Japanese users on this platform. I remember it was kind of very booming, so I looked at the reputation score of the old account and it was stopped at 65... a bit surprising.

This account was originally for Splinterlands and was created for my elder son to play Splinterlands. Then no one else in the family started playing, so I put all the cards for all of them together in this account and I played for a while.

Then, in the summer of 2021, someone changed my keys, which led me to look into Hive again (especially the security-related stuff), and then I started posting blogs again. That was just about 3 years ago now.

The reason I started writing on my gaming account instead of my old account is because I already had a Splinterlands guild under go-kyo at the time. I thought I might write posts about recruiting guild members on this account... but in reality, I hardly wrote any posts about the game 😅

By the way, I found something kind of interesting. That is my rewards when I started posting again. The image below shows the first three posts from this account, all of which are not far from $1. And the reward like that continues for a long time after that.

Around the end of March of the following year, I finally found a post that exceeded $1.00. But this would have also added up by the payment of AFIT tokens and Ecency points by myself.

Amazingly, during the first year, not a single post exceeded $3. Most posts were less than $1, and rarely even over $2. Nonetheless, I remember enjoying Hive.


The post above has only $0.07 on it. And yet I say in the post, “I haven't given up my ambition to use HIVE to pay for my second son's tuition.” 😅😅

I thought I was on Hive for monetization purposes, but maybe I wasn't. Maybe I was here because I enjoyed something besides the rewards. Of course, it was very nice to get a monetary reward for what I posted though.

There are many friendly people here, many people I can talk to regardless of country or language, and I have seen many people trying to help others by taking advantage of the “money generated” nature of this platform. My own community, Hive JA, has managed to maintain itself with the support of such kind people.

I am also more interested in growing my community support account as quickly as possible and being able to attach larger rewards to Japanese-language posts (especially those of newcomers) than I am now in wanting to be rewarded as an individual.

However, we do get new members from time to time, but it is difficult to get them to keep writing... Looking at the people around me, I feel that Japanese people are too busy. Even if they go through the trouble of posting, they may feel that the reward is too small because hive-ja alone cannot generate a large amount of money.

I would like those people to see my first year's rewards, though😂

There are many challenges as described above, and I feel that increasing the number of Japanese users will not be an easy task. But I would like to continue to do my best while developing community support account💪






旧アカウントでなくゲーム用のアカウントで書き始めたのは、当時既に私が go-kyo でSplinterlandsのギルドを持っていたためです。このアカウントでギルドメンバー募集の記事を書くかもしれないし… と思ってのことでしたが、蓋を開けてみればゲームの記事はほとんど書いていませんね😅







ここにはフレンドリーな人が多く、国や言語関係なく話せる人がたくさんいるし、「お金が発生する」というプラットフォームの特徴を生かして他の人を支援しようとする人たちもたくさん見てきました。私自身のコミュニティ Hive JAも、そうした親切な人たちに支えられて何とか維持しています。


ただ、時々新しいメンバーが来てくれますが、なかなか書き続けてもらうのは難しいですね… 周囲の人を見ていても、日本人は忙しすぎると感じます。忙しい中、母国語でない英語を加えて二ヶ国語で長文を書こうとすると、投稿ボタンを押すころにはグッタリだし。せっかく投稿してもhive-jaの力だけでは大きな金額にはならないので、報酬が少ないと感じてしまうのかもしれません(日本人ユーザーは歴が長い人が多くて報酬が高い場合が多いので、比べてしまって余計に… というのもあったりするのかな)。そういう方にこそ、ぜひ私の最初の一年の報酬を見て欲しいですが😂


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