Greeting Everyone

Welcome to my Taco Tuesdays post, a weekly themed post on HIVE #freecompliments community. Everyweek I share some food here, let say my foodie posts, so we can see, talk or maybe these posts could inspire you to get something delicious too.

Hopefully it could turn you into foodie and then join me posting #TACO-TUESDAYS here on HIVE.


Anyway today my Taco Tuesdays will be about classic Japanese Cuisine. Last week I had my birthday so I took my family out for a dine out. Because it's a special occasion so I picked a good place for the lunch.


The Restaurant I picked was ANBAI, it was an old Japanese Restaurant on Melawai - Blok M. That area is well known as little Tokyo because there are many Japanese Restaurant there. However Restaurants themselves won't make the place named as Little Tokyo, there are other entertainment full of Japanese there from Karaoke, Bar, and some Hotel for People to enjoy ~you know what~


Below is An Bai Restaurant entrance. This restaurant is not a famous one nor Hype and Viral. It is an old Restaurant and I chose that place because my mother loves their food. There were times she said she wanted to dine in there once again before they closed down due to age.


Inside, everything looks a bit darker. It is designed to be a cozy place for hanging out with your colleagues. The setting, decoration, and lighting are not to be bright. So I think this is a good spot for dinner, but frankly speaking, all seem not fit for lunch.


My mother told me that in the past this place was very packed from noon to late night. Due to the decrease of the number of Japanese companies and many of them that survived have chosen to relocated to other region... so In the end these kind of dining place have started to deteriorate... Same reason why she wanted to eat there for a nostalgic feeling



How to order, it is simple, wave your hand, waiter comes, then tell her what your order...

Well that's not what I mean. Everyone has their own style of picking their order. Some love to order ala carte, some prefer set menu, and some people love to order only the promo and discounted menu.


My father is an ala carte person, he is so picky so he only orders what he likes or a dish that picks up his interest. My brother and my mother are the same type, they like to order set menu. They do not want to be bothered with the detail, just pick one and eat all.


How about me? I run a frugal living lifestyle am one the ultimate stingy person in the world. I won't eat if I do not win any discount price. So I will only pick a menu from the highlighted section like this above, where everything are on a big cut.

So I seek the gain, not only the taste


I know this is not normal anyway LoL but you must have some friends who are so stingy like me too

My Family Order

Ok I will show you what we had for our lunch there.


The first one is my brother order. His order is so lame, a curry rice set with a chicken katsu as it's main dish. He has two side dish, a warm white miso soup and a chawanmushi. Chawanmushi is a warm Japanese steamed egg custard, usually they serve this in a cup but this place use a small square bowl.


My father ordered this chicken skewer. He did not like the place, he wanted something else but too bad for him, I favored my mother pick for that day. Actually he ordered something else after it, but he did not let me took any shot. Let say he is a nemesis of all foodie in the world, the guy who ruin food presentation before you could take any shot of it.


The last one here is my mother order. She ordered Salmon Naka Ochi teriyaki set. Well to put it simple, it is a salmon teriyaki set. Naka Ochi means it is the meat that stick to the bone. So the salmon is not a fillet, but more on the bone cuts.

My Order

Ok above are my family orders. Now it's my part then.


ok you have seen my plate here above, right? so let me break it down part by part for you.


This white rice tasted very good, as I expected from a Japanese Restaurant that put a decent pricing. They give a small dip of curry sauce there. It gives a good variation, I could eat it plain, or dip something into it to change their flavor.


This is Chicken Karage. the funny thing about this that I really like those lettuce LoL. Somehow their karage sauce blended well with those lettuce, better than the chicken.


This is my miso soup. A white miso, personally I prefer a darker one. I like how they put many wakame / seaweed into it. At least those extra seaweed compensated the lack of taste from the miso.


As you can guess, and I believe you all will guess it right, it's small cut of salmon. It is Salmon Shio Yaki, or in English you can say it is salt-grilled salmon.


For a dessert they gave me this. Takuan and Potato Ball Salad. Takuan is Japanese Pickled, but there is a Korean version too. The pickled is made from Radish. You should eat this one, because it helps your digestion.

So as you see, my order is way more different than my family. I love many things in small portions. My discounted set menu are consisted of three small menu, two of them are those Karage and Grilled salmon.

The last one is a bowl of vegetables. I have shown it several time above and I think it is the best dish of that day. I do not like vegetable, I prefer to eat meat dominated meal, so I know well when I eat some vegetable and I like it, those must be extraordinary delicious!!!

My Trivial Giveaway


So this is the most special one, that delicious vegetable. I have shared it to @deraaa before and this is what she said


LoL she said it's a Spaghetti... oh dear, it is a vegetable, not any noodle there. Anyway, if you can guess what it is, leave a comment below. I will reward 1 HSBI for anyone who can guess it right, it is not raffled one.

A hint of clue for this one: It is not paprika, I am not talking about paprika or onion there. It's the one that look like noodle.

I will announce the winner on my next Taco Tuesdays post, and I will leave a comment "It's A Wrap" If I think the time for taking HSBI recipients is over.

Ok, That's all for my Taco Tuesdays post today, Thank you for stopping by and reading my post here.

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