A Shiny Distraction from Real Issues

This latest merchandise play by Trump, a $100 commemorative silver coin, is but the latest in a series of postpresidency moves to cash in on his brand and distract from the very real problems facing our country. His base may just salivate for such trinkets, but the flash of a bright shiny object shouldn't deflect one from interrogating the motives behind it.


Let me be frank, this is no more than an overpriced novelty item.

While the coins are struck from 99.9% pure silver, it does not warrant the price that is proposed for them. It is an easy way to line one's pocket, exploiting the loyalty of the base. The fact that he would be concerned about selling merchandise and not attending to pressing national concerns says much about what his priorities are.

Suspicious release, indeed, and with the 2024 election just around the corner, that might well mean Trump is more into peddling collectibles rather than giving a semblance of vision for the future of the country. Classic case of style over substance, a hallmark of his political career.

These coins, tellingly enough, have been designed for that purpose.

One side with Trump's profile, and the other with the White House? Just a not-so-subtle hint toward a man who is desperate to get his hands back on power, no matter how much it hurts our democracy. Of course, there's another layer of smoke and mirrors, the Certificate of Authenticity to give these coins some semblance of importance they don't deserve.

But what's concerning, however, is how readily some of them would fall for such tactics. Owning a piece of "Trump history" somehow connects them with something bigger than themselves, albeit a misguided rationale. Brilliant marketing move to hook the emotions of their supporters and cause a detour from all his legal troubles and questionable policies.

Another deliberate move is the limited edition angle.

He's creating artificial scarcity and with that, urgency and demand. That's how these luxury brands create value in a product and make people generate this FOMO or fear of missing out. Those coins won't make America great again, they will just make Trump's wallet fatter.

I am very skeptical of their value as a collectible.

Most political memorabilia turns out to be a lousy investment and invariably loses its value when the zeal cools. Those speculating on an eventual sale for profit should think again. More probably, these coins will end up in drawers, where they will gather dust as a misplaced relic from a sordid chapter in American politics.

But what is enraging is that this merchandising strategy sucks the oxygen out of what the real issues are.

We should have been talking about policy proposals, economic plans, and combating climate change. Instead, we talk about overpriced coins. Masterclass in distraction, and it unfortunately seems to work.

Equally upsetting is the fact that the media covers these coins. Mere airtime for this stunt is already a megaphone for the message of Trump, free publicity he so easily manipulates. It's a circle that needs to be broken if one ever hopes to have meaningful political discourse.

These Trump coins are a metaphor for his kind of politics, flash with no substance.

They pander to feelings and emotions, not reason, they put personal profit over public service, and they divert the minds of Americans from the complexity of governance. We need, as voters, to see through this and demand more from our candidates.

Instead of investing in this scheme of coins, I ask that people take this money and time and educate themselves on what's going on. Support your candidates based on policy and character, not T-shirts and baseball caps.

Our democracy is better than a collectible coin market.

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