"Truth is so rare that it is delightful to hell it ." EMILY DICKSON

Among all the great writers, Emily Dickinson, whose poem is imbued with a deep understanding of human nature, has often put it well when she says how hard to discover truth and how valuable it is. Truth was fickle and fleeting with its image often distorted.

Yet, her sentences were concise yet veiled in enigma, and she managed to capture truth as this wholesome and even refreshing fragment of purpose amidst a world, which is mostly unpredictable, ambiguous, and full of falsehood.

In Dickinson's poems, truth is not a usual but a high-powered manifestation of which only the soul could drink or be invigorated by. In the night of ignorance and prevailence of misleading information it is a torch light,

which shines for those seeking it, directing them with gratefully enduring clarity and truth. Truth, for Dickinson, is not something that remains still; it is trapping, hardy, and ready to be unravelled and brought into a light.

Dickinson entreats in "tell all the truth but tell it slant" that truth should be revealed indirectly as is the sharp lightning flash that lasts just long enough for you to view the landscape, before blurring into nothingness.

She points out that just being blunt with truth is not something we can afford because it can be a harrowing experience and that is why we should relax the truth out more softly and delicately.

In addition to this, Dickinson brings up the topic of truth and its connection to humanity with a notice that finding truth can be very unclear and be filled with obstacles. In the like poems such as "I died for Beauty—but was scarce", she struggles with the clashing sides of what is The sea, the sun, the wild sea-birds, the northland and the islands: and I dwelt with these And dwelt with them and grew like them, and The sea, the sun, the wild winds that visit the northland, and the islands: these I knew and they dw

Indirectly, Emily Dickinson's thoughts on the meaning of truth open a window into the ages-old pursuit of the definition and the authentic life. Her words keep reminding us how we need to value, pursue and embrace the truth, regardless of how challenging that is in order to see the difference in our lives. The truth that holds the extraordinary power of linking us to the things bigger than us.

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