Peak Open Projects - Update #7

This is an update on several developments related to Peak Open Projects.


The code for all projects developed and maintained as part of our proposal is available here:

We do our best to open the repositories as soon as we consider the code to be stable enough and we have completed our initial brainstorm on the implementation.

Some direct links to repositories already available:


Market [ module]

Developers: @igormuba, @asgarth. Feedback and suggestions: @jarvie

Our goal for the Hive internal marketplace is to create something that is very intuitive that has several tools to give the interface much more usability. We've been giving constant updates on the internal market while we were working on it in beta, and now it's here!

While the swap interface is now out of beta we still always appreciate any feedback. The other more advanced modes are still being tested and improved.

You may now use the swap feature of Hive internal market interface on HiveHub.Dev.

Market interface on HiveHub Dev

Using the swap interface is pretty straightforward, you just have to login with keychain, fill out and double check the values accordingly and swap -- then you are good to go! You should not have to change slippage but if there is a lot of action on the chain and the transaction fails you may benefit from changing slippage to something higher.

Aside from the easy to use swap interface, there are also other features and data that are already available on the market page:

  • Custom price feed for HIVE/USD and HBD/USD
  • Last and Next trade ratios
  • Setting maximum slippage
  • HIVE per HBD and HBD per HIVE ratios
  • Order Book Impact

Note: Other features such as limit order are currently being worked on before we push it to the main HiveHub website.

Recent activities:

- Market swap made available on HiveHub main website
- Slippage options to guarantee order execution
- Order book [WIP]
- Trading View Chart [WIP]
- Limit orders tab [WIP]

Explorer [ module]

Developers: @yozen, @asgarth. Feedback and suggestions: @jarvie

The Explorer after previous updates has been tweaked to keep up with hardfork 1.26.0 and to ensure that users have a friendly and complete experience, but at the same time as personalized as possible.

We have been working on filters, adding details and info, and trying to improve the visual experience (including for those using small devices).

RC details in account header

Recent activities:

- Added dynamic filters on block page
- Added rendering for RC delegation operations
- Improved account header with usable HP details and RC totals
- Improve layout for small device [WIP] 
- Add filters on account page [WIP]

Sting Messenger Protocol

Developers: @igormuba, @mirafun. Research and suggestions: @asgarth

We have started to invite community members to test the system and provide feedback to the programmer and allow for larger group and community chats. If you would like test please let us know.

We really want other websites, community owners and applications to join the discussion so that they can give feedback about features they would need in the main protocol for when they integrate encrypted messaging into their application.


Recent activities:

- thread messages [COMPLETE]
- last read notifications per channel [COMPLETE]
- posting image links [COMPLETE]
- loading messages from history [COMPLETE]
- backend support for community channel write permissions based on Hive roles and titles [COMPLETE]
- community private encrypted channels [COMPLETE]
- community search, visit, join, leave community UI [COMPLETE]
- default themes, user themes, theme editor [COMPLETE]

Notification System

Developers: @muwave, @asgarth. Research and suggestions: @jarvie

We are mostly complete with the backend and waiting the first projects to integrate. As they do, there may be suggestions or other Hive transaction requests. First project to create a UI is likely to be The developer @muwave has moved to the multi-sig project for now.


Developers: @muwave, @asgarth. Research and suggestions: @jarvie
We have started a new smaller project that will allow for signing some transactions that require multiple signatures.

The main idea is to allow to share 1 account between multiple people. Imagine Alice and Bob have a shared account called @peak.double.sig. They can both add @peak.double.sig to their Keychain and use the account independently. This can be useful, but both of them have all the power to control the account. They share the account but they don't share the ability to control it, each of them can use it as they see fit.

What if Alice wants to post something that Bob doesn’t agree with? She can do it, since she, as Bob, holds all the keys of the account.

Our project allows Alice and Bob to share the same account, but with equal rights. Decisions must be made together. We force this behavior by creating different private keys for Alice and Bob. This way, they can still add @peak.double.sig to their Keychain, but they can’t send a transaction unless the other one agrees. If Alice wants to publish a post, she can create the transaction and put it in our website. From there, she will sign it and a URL will be generated for her to share with Bob. Following the link Bob can review the transaction proposed by Alice and if he decides to sign it, the transaction will be automatically sent.

All of the above can be customized as you see fit: maybe you want to share the account with 3 people instead of 2, or maybe you want your signature to be more important than someone else's.

We already have a working prototype and will continue to upgrade test and improve.

Multi-sig working prototype

Recent activities:

-  Activate multisign [COMPLETE]
-  Sign transactions [COMPLETE]
-  UI [WIP]

Hive Open Stats

Developers: @borislavzlatanov , @asgarth.

Some more stats have been added since the last update. The bulk of the work after that has been on the backend infrastructure to be able to deploy the project. More specifically, we have created a Docker container within which the stats app will run (similar setup to some other Hive software being developed). This will make it easier for others to host their own replica of the stats app.

We are eager to finish up this infrastructure work and get back to adding more stats, so that we can have a better overview of what is happening within Hive.

Recent activities:

-  Daily power-ups [COMPLETE]
-  Daily power-downs [COMPLETE]
-  Daily payouts from the Decentralized Hive Fund (excluding the hbdstabilizer) [COMPLETE]
-  Initial stats frontend interface [COMPLETE]
-  Containerize the app in Docker [COMPLETE]
-  Set up Caddy as a reverse proxy server to direct requests to the app [WIP]


We are creating a new feature to track RC costs after which Hive Stats project will work to keep a history of those costs. We are also adding a new node to Hive Beacon. More about these two updates in the next post.


How to support the @peakd project

If you're a project looking to integrate one of these tools message us.
If you're a developer looking for a part time open source project message us.

We have been voted as a top block producer on hive (aka "witness"). You can add your vote for us on the main witness page our "witness" account is @steempeak


You can support our proposal to develop open source tools for the whole Hive community using one of the following links:

You can donate 5% of your Hive Reward Pool earnings to @peakd to help use improve the interface: Turn on in settings

We invite you to share and brainstorm some ideas with us:

The PeakD Team
About us:
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