Into the Heart of Patag Cave.

"Caves are like hidden chambers of nature's mysteries, inviting curiosity and awe." -Unknown

Around a couple of months ago, my friends and I explored the majestic mountains of Mabuli where we discovered a wealth of hidden caves. I must say I feel blessed and fortunate enough to have explored these beauties firsthand that almost no one knew existed, except the locals living in Mabuli.


We had the privilege to explore three remarkable caves at that time which left us in awe of nature's wonder. The first two caves were huge and spacious and were a lot easier to find but the third one was hidden making us get inside through a tiny door (what seems a door) on the ground. If not for the local kids who accompanied us at that time, we undoubtedly would have missed the opportunity to discover and witness the hidden underground beauty of that cave.


You can find our adventures of the two caves here:

🍃Sweat Summit and-Splendor or Dose Kwartus Adventure

🍃Heavens Hole: Lapus-lapus Cave

The Patag Cave

Patag in our dialect means plain. I'm curious as to why the locals give the cave such a name. I was imagining a picturesque view of the cave. However, I wonder whether the cave beneath is as dark as night or if this is another cave in the mountains that is full of holes where beautiful rays of light filter through. I couldn't wait to finally see it!


The entrance of the cave seems like an opening of a tunnel leading to somewhere else. Only one person could pass through at a time. As I observed it closely, I could tell that the entrance was heading us down to the ground.


My fear started to creep in as I had a fear of getting suffocated. I was overthinking and scared of the possible danger we might encounter however my curiosity was also at its peak and seeing the local kids worry-free and untroubled as they got in somehow put my mind at ease.


My vision was adjusting from the very bright light outside to the dark pathways I was in at that time. I used my flashlight and was amazed to see the beautiful formations of stalactites that surrounded me. Most of the rock formation appeared to be icicle melting. From the size of each stalactite, it is evident that this cave is as old as the town itself.



The stalactites looked dry but still, their beauty was undeniable. It's either there's an environmental change in the cave or it is human interference that disrupted the growth of the stalactites.



I continued walking cautiously as I also marveled at each grand beauty that we passed by.


Not more than 10 minutes, I was surprised to see a bright light in the heart of the cave. So my guess was right, there was another hole in this cave above the ground. I took big steps at this time excited to see the grand beauty of the cave.




Alas! A sight to behold!




The radiant sunlight streaming through the cave's openings bathes the interior in a heavenly glow, unveiling the magnificent beauty within. I was speechless and in awe! The view of the cave's opening and the majestic icicle-like stalactites all around is truly breathtaking.



I stood there in silence, completely enchanted by the grandeur before my eyes. It's amazing how such incredible beauty can remain hidden within this mountain. My love for nature grew even stronger in that moment!



As we checked deeper inside the cave, we were no longer surprised to see traces of human activities inside. As usual, the cave has been exploited by locals. The locals harvest and keep on harvesting phosphate and mining some stones in the cave to sell it in the market. I cannot blame them if that's their only source of income however it's heartbreaking to know that these caves were never protected and preserved.


We stumbled upon a pale of water inside the cave which only means the cave's abundance of water which also signifies the supposed abundance of stalactites and stalagmites of the cave.



There were also stairs for easy access going down. Based on everything I saw, this cave is frequented by the locals. Hopefully, the time will come when the locals will find another source of income and realize the importance of protecting the environment and taking care of nature.




There's maybe a small hope of finally protecting the cave from exploitation. The idea of saving it from the harsh hands of the people may appear as dark as I first get into this cave, but I believe there is always a light at the end of the tunnel just like this light I saw further in the cave.


The entire exploration of the cave left me with a mix of emotions. My heart was brimming with wonder and deep appreciation for God's beautiful creation. However, I couldn't ignore the underlying sadness for the cave's current state. I sincerely wish that these caves will be given the opportunity to breathe and grow once more.


That's it for my adventure of Patag Cave. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. I wish you all safe and well always.

Don't forget to smile often!😍😘🤗


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