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What We Did Saturday April 25th 2020 During The Global Coronavirus Pandemic

We didn't wake up until 9:00 am Saturday morning and then laid in bed until 10:00 am. I needed the rest. I have been putting in long hours working from home the last few weeks. With nobody to tell me to "go home" I tend to work more, especially when there is a lot of work to do, which there is right now.

Then I got up and cooked some bacon, eggs and pancakes for a late breakfast. One of my favorites.

I mentioned to my sons that it makes me happy to eat a breakfast like that at least once per week. It usually happens on the weekend when we have a little more free time. They were thankful for the food and the time I spent preparing it.

Then I sat on the couch while the breakfast was settling. We ended up watching a movie - Napoleon Dynamite. I have seen it many times but my 8 year old son hadn't seen it. I was laughing all the way through the movie at the silliness of it. My son didn't really get the humor. I guess it helps if you grew up in a very small town in the 80's, like I did.

After the movie I had a project to work on. I called my 16 year old son down from his room and while I was waiting I went out to the garage. He was supposed to help me carry a big heavy box out to the back porch but I got impatient and bear-hugged the thing and carried it out myself. It was hard as I don't lift a lot of heavy stuff and this thing was a good hundred pounds and about 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide.

I got a box cutter and started slicing the tape around the corners to open the box. Pretty soon both of my boys came out to help.

It took us a while to put it all together. We aren't exactly experienced at assembling patio furniture. There were a couple of moments where we thought we were dead in the water but we muddled our way through it and here is the final outcome.

I showered up and had a meal that my wife prepared for me of orange chicken and chow mein. It was good, but I ate too much!

I then went to the couch again and was trying to relax for a bit when my wife insisted I go sit out on the porch with her, so I did. It was very pleasant outside with a bit of a breeze. She didn't do a lot of sitting, though, as she was re-arranging the little solar lights that she stuck in the ground around the flower beds.

We then walked down to the end of the street to get the mail with the younger one. It was a very pleasant walk. My wife had a couple of packages waiting for her in one of the bigger mailboxes where the mail person leaves larger packages. She was happy. Shoes!

We came back to the house and I took another look at the patio swing. Yep, it was still there!

We moved into our house in February, right before the global Coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. and we've been making it a home ever since. We started with the inside and as you can see we have now moved to the outside. The back porch and yard are a little barren, so the patio swing helps a little. We've got more furniture on the way for the back porch.

I went back to the couch because I still wasn't feeling great from eating too much while my wife and older son were putting up some lights along the ceiling of the back porch. You can see them in this picture.

The wooden patio swing got moved to the back corner of the yard. I don't know if this will be its final resting place but there it sits for now.

When I started feeling better the little one and I went out to shoot home hoops.

And of course he wanted to check out the new patio swing.

I took a couple of breaks while we were shooting hoops to snap some photos of the sunset. This is the view from our back yard.

That pretty much sums up our Saturday. I was going to post this late last night but a series of unfortunate events occurred where I didn't get it done until now.

First, I couldn't upload photos through Hive. So, I decided to wait until today to try again. It didn't work again this morning, so I then decided to use a photo hosting website for the photos. A little more of a pain in the ass, but doable. Unfortunately in the process I made a stupid mistake and erased my article and couldn't get it back. So this is the second re-write.

I hope you had a great Saturday. Sunday is half way over here and I have a few other things to do so, I'll sign off.

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