"Sharing some great poems my friend here wrote."

Ontology. Doors. Remand. Three Old Poems.

Three poems from over a year ago, published before for the first and only time on my personal PublishOx, shared here both to archive them and to bring them back to light.



Lack is can't obtain.
Want is must desire.
Open is select and elite and particular.
And all that jazz.

Copy-paste will never die.
Invention will shine.
Space is name is type is word.

Hah, form!
What does it matter?
I share poems.
Is. Is. Is.

And people are so fool as to think
that this is even me writing them!

Queue evil laughter.
Laser beams.
I have already written
about my pile of dishes.

I need to add some excitement
or no one will pay for the ticket.
Sit alone in a cabin,
pleasure is myself.
Listen to soft pop.

I lost a game of chess on time.
It is what it is.
I stared into the future too long.

Profound revelations
and cheap padlocks
can be found at the local store.



If you need it, I'll bring it.
So many songs. So many poems.
If you do, I will.

Slip down the pills.
So many answers. Not enough windows.
To open instead of doors.

I perceive. Sign of three.
I'm feeling blue this June.
They claim they're
dedicated to looking after me.

Sick of stones always going on tombs.
Want to make one grow.
Paint eyes on it like a pet.
Try to feed it dust.

My costumes and keepsakes
bear memories.
Sometimes they're too heavy for me.
Though the objects themselves are not.

So... can you answer me?
Should I gather?
Will you let me back in?



The unintended consequences of improvisation
are to forget and then to remember what you were doing.

Do the timeless circles we spin erode our shores,
and do our tides pull us places
we otherwise wouldn't have gone?

I worship the wasted god of time.
How shall we ask:
"Good enough now?" without implying
it wasn't good enough back then?

Round the corner, up the street, over the hill, stop. Wait.
"I'm afraid that's a failed result, sir."
It was bound to happen. Blazed behind the wheel again.

But I pulled a runner. High-speed chase.
They caught me in my driveway round the block
naked and heading for the neighbour's fence.

It's lucky they've got wifi in my cell.

Another three will trickle across in due time. I hope you enjoyed them.

Ontology. Doors. Remand. Three Old Poems.

This is a cross post of @almightymelon/ontology-doors-remand-three-old-poems by @zwhammer.

Sharing some great poems my friend here wrote.

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