Silver Porn Saturday story about a find

Been a while since I posted. I have just been here stacking and learning. Enjoying that minnow vote. I like to browse and comment here on the most open chain I know. I see a new fork of this chain on the horizon. Took years to fork steem and now hive will likely fork quicker.

I am late for silverpornSaturday but better late than never. This pose is inspired by a longer stacker than me that showed me an international coin melt value site. Before recently I only knew about coinflation dot com. showed me how to find two gems in my coin collection. I say coin collection but in reality it is a money collection. I collect coins with metal value in them. I plan to save them until it is no longer illegal to melt them or find someone that wants to smelt them bad enough to pay for the privilege.

I have not been able to find any old American silver but here is the first jewel I was able to locate because I have no faith in the USD. This piece has been circulated and this camera is from the new Samsung S21 Ultra. Maybe I will share some of my best moon photos in the near future. The 120x telephoto does a good job.

I have not posted with ecency in a while. I hope this goes through well. Stay tuned to see my other 50% piece.



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