Throwback Thursday - Niles Beach, June 19 2017

Throwback Thursday - Niles Beach, June 19 2017 blog thumbnail.jpg


I was all set to do my Thursday Tree Love post on both my WordPress and Hive blogs (since this is a bloghop hosted by my WP blogging friend). However when I went looking for her latest blog, I noticed she still had the TTL one from October 28th up and had changed the description at some point in the past couple of weeks to say the next one would go live on November 25th.

So I decided to hang on to the shots I took today for later this month, and instead of doing the, "Share five tree photos for Thursday Tree Love" from my HiveBloPoMo prompt calendar, I've decided to share five ten Throwback Thursday photos instead.

Funny thing too - I was actually looking through my files a few days ago, trying to find some shots of the trees behind my childhood home, and found a bunch of unedited shots from the time my eldest and I went down to Gloucester back in June 2017 to help my mother before and after her breast cancer surgery. I figured I'd copy the folder to my thumbdrive so I could make use of the photos some time this month. Looks like today's the day! 😊

Quick disclaimer - I know I've shared other photos from this visit before on both blogs, but a quick look at my WP media gallery and it didn't look like any of these (with one exception) showed up. However all of the photos below were edited and captioned today, which will hopefully "cover" me in the event I forgot to delete photos I'd used from my unedited folder. 😜

Now on with the photos...

Throwback Thursday - Niles Beach, June 19 2017


1..jpg1. There's just something I love about taking pictures of the ocean waves hitting the shore. Somewhere in a box of old school photographs, I know I have a bunch of similar photos from the 1970s & 80s.
2..jpg2. Also love how the sun hits the water. The storm clouds even kindly provided some cool looking (if faint) rays streaming down.
3..jpg3. This is the photo I know I've used before (and not just because I remember asking the eldest if it was okay I used a cropped version of this to created a "quoto" (quote + photo) for a social media share around August of 2017.


3a. Here's the Pinterest pin version. I know I tagged the Happsters on either Twitter, FB, or both but while I know Kelli appreciated other times I'd shared her blog posts, I don't recall if she ever responded to this.
4..jpg4. A bit hard to tell through the haze, but you can see the Hammond Castle (which I mentioned most recently in my Ghost Story for a HiveBuzz Halloween Trick or Treat badge post) just above where that little bit of the bow of the white boat is sticking out. If that makes sense.
5..jpg5. I know so many people hate on seagulls, but they've been one of my favorite annoyances birds ever since I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
6..jpg6. I think this seagull was contemplating taking a dip.
7..jpg7. However, he got a good look at the waves coming in from the approaching rain storm...
8..jpg8. ...and wisely decided to walk back up the beach.
9..jpg9. Speaking of further up the beach and favorite birds, a couple of crows were hanging out in the trees and bushes at the edge of Niles beach. They were some distance away, but this shot came out decently clear.
10..jpg10. If I recall correctly, the eldest and I were able to spend at least an hour or so hanging out before the sky grew threatening again, and we headed out. At this point, my mom had already been through the surgery and was recovering (better than expected - long story for another day) at the hospital. We'd stopped here for a decompression break before heading back to her apartment.



Happy Throwback Thursday, everyone!


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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