Do it for the bike! - ¡Hazlo por la moto! / Ilustration [Eng - Esp]


🏍️ ESPAÑOL Realice la siguiente Ilustración debido a que un amigo me la pidio. El como yo es apasionado de las motos y a trabajado muy duro para comprarse una. Diversas situaciones en su vida lo han alejado de poder adquirirla pero hasta hace poco logro conseguir un buen empleo y esta muy animado a reunir para comprarla próximamente.

Lo mas interesante de esto es que esta Ilustracion representa no solo su historia sino, la de muchas personas que se proyectan, enfocan y deciden trazar un camino para un fin, por un sueño, una meta.

Me resulto bastante interesante ya que algunas personas trazan lo que seria el "mapa del tesoro" que describe procesos de como te gustaria obtener algunas cosas y visualizar siempre sera lo mejor para mantenerse enfocado.

ENGLISH I made the following Illustration because a friend asked me to do it. Like me, he is passionate about motorcycles and has worked very hard to buy one. Various situations in his life have kept him from being able to acquire it but until recently he managed to get a good job and he is very encouraged to raise money to buy it soon.

The most interesting thing about this is that this Illustration represents not only his story, but also that of many people who project, focus and decide to trace a path for an end, for a dream, a goal.

I found it quite interesting since some people draw what would be the "treasure map" that describes processes of how you would like to obtain some things and visualizing will always be the best to stay focused.

🛵🛣️🔄📈💘Color in Software used: FireAlpaca and Photoshop🖊️

SPA: El proceso consistitio en realizar la Ilustracion desde Fire Alpaca y tomar la imagen oficial de la moto que dejare mas abajo los enlaces para asi pasarla a PNG y superponerla en Photoshop. Obteniendo el resultado final, "el soñando con adquirirla mientras trabaja duro".

ENG: The process consisted of making the Illustration from Fire Alpaca and taking the official image of the motorcycle that I will leave the links below to transfer it to PNG and superimpose it in Photoshop. Obtaining the final result, "he dreaming of acquiring it while working hard".

Thanks for reading / Hope you like!

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