A new day and new exchange added. After the storming uptrend weekend, it seems market is starting to calm down.
Here's the data at the present time.
Current price: 0.7217 USD
Ath price: 0.9705 USD
Ath date: 2020-04-27 at 00:38:45
Volume: 94017024.00 USD
The price has finally retraced after punching $1. It is unclear if this price level will consolidate or we will enter a smooth downtrend. We need a few more hours to find out
The volume has also retraced, after exceeding $100M by far. Binance has reached the second volume position right the very first-day hive has started trading. Although volume is still far from Huobi, it is quite considerable taking into account it is just the first trading day in that exchange.
We have now have 5 exchanges with a total of 12 pairs. Most of the volume comes from USDT but BTC pair also has considerable volume, the rest is just insignificant.
Exchanges Data | Exchanges Graph |
Histogram still shows a huge var in the low price area but you can see there were moments when $1 was exceeded. We should see bars from the right to grow higher in the coming days.
Volume Histogram | Volume Bar Graph |
The density plot graph now shows three areas. The strongest one is still the low price/volume from previous days but now we see a middle one growing strong and the top/right one which is the area where highest prices took place during yesterday. Let's see if that high price area is able to become stronger or the market decides to remain in the middle one.
Density Plot
Data extracted from Coingecko