Buenos días amigos de Hive. Como ya sabéis, el ser humano es curioso por naturaleza y por eso mismo en esta entrada de hoy os voy a mostrar 10 curiosidades de Latinoamérica que quizás no conocías.
Good morning Hive friends. As you already know, the human being is curious by nature and that is why in this post today I am going to show you 10 curiosities of Latin America that perhaps you did not know.
1. El desierto de Atacama, es uno de los lugares más áridos del mundo
1. The Atacama Desert is one of the driest places in the world
Located in the north of Chile, and bordering with Bolivia and Argentina, it is considered one of the driest places on the planet, according to some studies, in 1937 the first rain fell after four centuries without rain.
desierto de Atacama
2. En Honduras llueven peces
2. In Honduras it rains fish
Yes, you read that correctly, in Yoro, a small town in northern Honduras this strange phenomenon occurs at least once a year during the seasonal change from spring to summer. The streets are filled with small silver fish that fall from the sky. Some locals claim to have been eyewitnesses, which has attracted scientists and even the History Channel has reported on the events.
Peces en Yoro
3. En Cartagena de Indias, el mar de ilumina
3. In Cartagena de Indias, the sea lights up
Have you ever heard of luminous plankton? In Colombia, more specifically in Cartagena de Indias, you can enjoy a night bath with bioluminescent plankton. With each movement, the waters light up with tiny blue dots. A magical experience!
Placton luminiscente
4. La gastronomía Mexicana es Patrominio de la Humanidad
4. Mexican gastronomy is a World Heritage Site
We all know and love tacos, but Mexican cuisine goes way beyond this delicious signature dish from street stalls. In addition to being a delight, Mexican gastronomy earned the title of Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010. If you want to discover the flavors of Mexico, there is no better way to do it than with a gastronomic tour of Mexico City.
Gastronomía Mexicana
5. El país dePanamá está bañado por dos océanos.
5. The country of Panama is bathed by two oceans.
This news is not new. Panama is one of the countries where it is extremely easy to see the sunrise in the Atlantic Ocean and enjoy the sunset in the Pacific Ocean. Crazy! truth? Essential in our list of curious facts about Latin America.
Panamá, entre dos Oceanos
6. Ecuador, donde la naturaleza se defiende en los tribunales
6. Ecuador, where nature defends itself in court
In Ecuador, nature is considered a subject with constitutional rights. Thanks to this measure, the country boasts some of the best preserved natural spaces in the world. The Galapagos Islands are a great example of this.
Islas Galápagos
7. El Amazonas, el río más largo del mundo
7. The Amazon, the longest river in the world
The Amazon is the longest river in the world, that's not a novelty, but did you know that it has around 7 million square kilometers? its waters cross 6 countries; Peru (where it was born), Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil (where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean)
Rio Amazonas
8. Paraguay, un país bilingüe
8. Paraguay, a bilingual country
Paraguay has wanted to ensure that it preserves its ancestral culture. The country considers Spanish and Guaraní as official languages, the latter being the local indigenous language, so it is not strange to hear its inhabitants change from one language to another with total fluency.
Palacio del Gobierno de Paraguay
9. Colombia, el país del café
9. Colombia, the country of coffee
Colombian coffee is recognized worldwide, but not only for its quality, but also for its extensive plantations spread throughout the country. Did you know that Colombia is the second largest coffee producer in the world? Only surpassed by Brazil.
Plantacion de café (Colombia)
10. Lima, la capital gastronómica de América
10. Lima, the gastronomic capital of America
We have already talked about Mexican gastronomy, but we must admit that the capital of Peru has nothing to envy. The country has up to 90 microclimates, which creates a perfect opportunity to grow all kinds of raw materials and have a gastronomy with first-class ingredients.
Lima capital gastronomica
Si os gusta esta entrada, seguiré escribiendo sobre otros lugares del mundo, donde sus tradiciones sean totalmente distintas a las nuestras y podamos juntos aprender cosas nuevas. ¿Y tu? ¿Cual es de estas curiosidades no conocías?
If you like this post, I will continue writing about other places in the world, where their traditions are totally different from ours and we can learn new things together. And you? Which of these curiosities did you not know?
Todas la información necesaria para escribir la entrada ha sido sacada de este sitio web Civitatis.com Gracias a ellos podemos seguir aprendiendo. Espero que os haya gustado.
All the information necessary to write the entry has been taken from this website Civitatis.com Thanks to they can continue learning. I hope you liked it.