Try again

Let's try this again, you know that thing where I say stuff and you give me monies? I think it is kinda beneficial. So one might wonder why I don't do that.

Anyway, there is always the I have been soooooo busy line, or the oh no I am saddy sad , or the personal stuffs which people have.

I like the personal stuffs because it is quite unexplanatory. The I am busy line always sounds like bragging , and the I am saddy one well, I am the wrong person to comment on saddy things because people say I am a meanie.

But the personal stuffs is up for grabs, because people want you to ask, drag it out, let us talk fwend, awe you know this world it just pulled the wrong hair on the wrong ball and everything is kinda wonky.

Not all saddy but pretty baddy, like running with scissors teary eyed in a forest.

Well I would never say my absence from anything is due to personal reasons...




None of yo' business is a personal reason?

Not that I was gone or anything, this is all theoretical of course.

Just know that if you are gone I won't ask because personally I don't give a fly on a donkeys arse.

Just saying,

It is like anything really, like a funeral, either you are there or you didn't know the person died. Hmmm bad analogy.

Maybe this makes sense, for our world wide web fwends.

Either they are online or they ded.

Now if they ded then not much you can do, and if they online then problem solved.

I see many things that way really, it is all an either or situation.

I forget where this started but now I am done , so either I continue typing or

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