slagging like a gentleman

I should try swearing a bit less, so things like "Here comes Beelzebub and his whore," could instead be "Here comes the harbinger of despair and his underling of distraught."

Since I run out of ways to describe customers who walk into the shop I blame swearing for my lack of vocabulary. I should probably also try finding a good word learning app.

I did try this one that would give me some words daily but frankly I just read the things and like a important phone call I forget the word the moment I dismiss the notice.

I saw on Youtube there is one method where people shortlist say 5 words for the week and they try use them whenever they can through the week. That might be a good method, seeing as learning anything is just iteration.

I am sure I have mentioned before how I enjoy it when people are able to insult others in an eloquent and gentlemanly fashion. A person needs to be far more articulate than what I am though and this is all because my default starts with F and ends with U.

There is likely also use to be gotten from being more articulate outside of just not swearing, although that will just be a nice little bonus as I have no real interest in being more approachable so those benefits don't really apply to me as much as being more creative when thinking of how to insult people I see on the street.

Fingers crossed, as this will take some work.

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