What is fuckit?

I am not a writer or language fundi, so I can only guess. Fuckit is a compound word that consists of the words "Fuck" and "It".

As for introducing the pod, I have been finding that quite difficult in the time since creating it. At the very least I just wanted the name. Since I have an inherent dislike for shilling and touting things, I knew at the very least what introductory style post I do not wish to write.

Fuckit, let's just get down to it.

Fuckit is dismay, exasperation, carelessness and carefree. It is going all-in with an unsuited 7 and 2 because you are sick of folding. It is stopping midsentence and walking away. It can be as little as saying "yeah" although you are clearly not listening and you know they know or as much as agreeing maybe the country does need a proper civil war, anything is better than having all these idiots running around. At the very least everyone will be a bit more proactive.

Sorry, it got away from me there. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Rage quitting, unpopular opinions or punching the person who accuses you of Ad hominem in the face. That guy is a real dick, wtf do they know about logical fallacies.

If I failed to provide a clear description of what fuckit is then you know what?


Now down to business.

What do you get for posting to the community?
Fuck'ol and the satisfaction of telling your Fuckit story.

Then why should you post to the community if you will get nothing in return?

Authored by: @penderis

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