RAFFLE! Win a LEGENDARY Splinterlands GOLD CARD and more!!! ESP/ENG


Hola! Bienvenidos a mi cuenta de Rifas, Sorteos y Giveaways! Esta es la primera rifa y eres bienvenido a participar! Mi cuenta principal es @soyuntito!
Welcome to my Raffles, Sweepstakes and Giveaways account! This is the first raffle and you are welcome to participate! My main account is @soyuntito!



  • El premio principal sera una LEGENDARIA DJINN OSHANNUS DE ORO! Tiene 12.500 de poder y esta costando actualmente entre 70$ y 100$ dolares, en los ultimos dias las cartas han aumentado mucho de valor!

  • El segundo lugar se llevaria una EPICA DAX PARAGON DE ORO! Tiene 2.500 de poder y esta costando actualmente entre 17$ y 20$ dolares!

  • El tercer lugar se lleva una EPICA DJINN RENOVA DE ORO! Tiene 2.500 de poder y esta costando actualmente entre 9$ y 11$ dolares!

  • El cuarto y quinto lugar se lleva 1000 DEC!

  • Del sexto al decimo lugar se llevan 500 DEC!


  • The main prize will be a LEGENDARY GOLDEN DJINN OSHANNUS! It has 12,500 power and is currently costing between 70$ and 100$ dollars, in the last few days the cards have increased a lot in value!

  • Second place would take an EPICA DAX GOLDEN PARAGON! It has 2,500 power and is currently costing between $17 and $20!

  • Third place will take a GOLD EPICA DJINN RENOVA! It has 2,500 power and is currently costing between $9.00 and $11.00!

  • Fourth and fifth place get 1000 DEC!

  • Sixth to tenth place gets 500 DEC!



La rifa se hara de esta manera, habran 500 tickets a la venta, cada ticket va a costar 1 hive o swap.hive puedes comprar la cantidad que quieras teniendo en cuenta que el maximo son 500 disponibles, mientras mas compres mas oportunidades tendras de ganar! Puedes ser ganador multiple!

Para participar: Envia 1 HIVE o SWAP.HIVE a @TitoRaffles En el MEMO coloca: 1st RAFFLE

  • Puedes comprar 1 ticket o mas, los que gustes, la cantidad de HIVE que envies sera la cantidad de tickets con los que estes participando! Si envias 1 Hive tendras 1 ticket, si envias 10 hive tendras 10 tickets, si envias 100 hive tendras 100 tickets. En el memo coloca 1st raffle para asi llevar el control mejor!

  • La rifa se cierra inmediatamente despues que los 500 tickets son vendidos o cuando este post haya llegado a su payout. El minimo para hacer el sorteo son 250 tickets participando, si por alguna razon no se llega a 250 tickets se procedera a devolver el dinero por completo a todos los compradores!

  • Para escoger al ganador pondre los nombres de las cuentas de hive que compraron tickets en www.wheelofnames.com se hara una lista publica en este Post de los participantes y la cantidad de tickets que se actualizara 1 vez al dia! Ademas todo esta en la blockchain asi que sera publico, para el sorteo hare un video y asi mostrar la transparencia! El proximo post de Rifa tendra el video y los ganadores y la proxima rifa!


The raffle will be done this way, there will be 500 tickets for sale, each ticket will cost 1 hive or swap.hive you can buy as many as you want keeping in mind that the maximum is 500 available, the more you buy the more chances you have to win! You can be a multiple winner!

To participate: Send 1 HIVE or SWAP.HIVE to @TitoRaffles In the MEMO put: 1st RAFFLE

  • You can buy 1 ticket or more, as many as you like, the amount of HIVE you send will be the amount of tickets you are participating with! If you send 1 Hive you will have 1 ticket, if you send 10 hive you will have 10 tickets, if you send 100 hive you will have 100 tickets. In the memo put 1st raffle to keep track!

  • The raffle closes immediately after the 500 tickets are sold or when this post has reached its payout. The minimum to do the raffle is 250 tickets participating, if for some reason 250 tickets are not reached we will proceed to refund the money in full to all buyers!

  • To choose the winner I will put the names of the hive accounts that bought tickets on www.wheelofnames.com there will be a public list in this post of the participants and the amount of tickets that will be updated once a day! Also everything is on the blockchain so it will be public, for the raffle I will make a video to show the transparency! The next Raffle post will have the video and the winners and the next raffle!



Muy buena suerte a los participantes tendran mas oportunidades de conseguir una legendaria dorada con solo 1 HIVE! Cualquier duda o pregunta la respondere en los comentarios!

Todas las imagenes las hice con CANVA o tome screenshot de las paginas oficiales!

Good luck to the participants, you will have more chances to get a golden legendary with only 1 HIVE! Any doubt or question I will answer in the comments!

All images were made with CANVA or I took screenshot from the official pages!

Captura de pantalla 2022-05-25 141816.jpg

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