Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - January 28th, 2022 - 2PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
    • Hardpoint (Chief Technology Officer)
    • Chatter (Director of Growth)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Frostlight (New Guild Leader)
    • WeirdBeard (ESports Manager)
    • Tyler (Character Artist)
    • Francis (Solutions Architect)
  • Main Topics:
    • Dev Updates 💥
    • New Team Member Introductions 👀
    • AMA Summary ⚡️
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 01:09 - Intro
    • 4:40 - Hardpoint & Yabapmatt Update (Dev)
    • 12:20 - Frostlight Introduction (New Guild/Community)
    • 20:10 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 26:20 - WeirdBeard Update (ESports Manager)
    • 31:40 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 44:15 - Tyler Introduction (Character Artist)
    • 51:50 - Francis Introduction (Platform Dev)
    • 1:14:10 - Q&A
    • 1:58:40 - Closing Remarks


🙌 Meet Some Of The Splinterlands Team Members! 🙌


💥 Company Updates 💥

Dev Updates:

  • Just surpassed 7M sold Chaos Legion packs
    • Airdrop should be happening soon (Check Recent Updates For Aidrop Card)
  • Team is constantly working on improving the Ranked/Season Battle Rewards
    • Goal is to encourage players to obtain as many assets and to climb to the highest league as possible
    • Check the new Ranked Battle Reward System Updates post in Recent Updates section
    • Chaos Legion packs are now obtainable in quest & season rewards
  • Dev team just pushed out new Release Notes today as well
    • See all the changes in the Recent Updates section
  • In order to get SPS Validators out, only Hive wallets can hold Splinterlands assets
    • You either need to make a Hive wallet or buy the spellbook
  • There is a platform development team that is building a brand new, mobile-friendly platform
    • Designed for scale and best in class approach and systems
    • May be out by the summer of this year

Marketing Updates:

  • Talking to Acadarena to start an ESports and scholarship program
    • Operates in both North America and the Philippines
  • Looking to partner with Makeship to create plushies
    • Byz and Yodin will be the two as long as 300 plushies are pre-ordered
    • Pre-order link will be announced soon

Creative Updates:

  • Still looking to hire and keep building up the creative team
  • Designing marketing materials for all marketing initiatives and promotions
  • Working on designs for Modern/Wild ranked formats as well

General Team Updates:

  • No Townhall next week
    • Some Leadership team members will be traveling for business meetings
  • Released a tournament survery to voice your opinion about tournaments
    • Team is looking for everyone's feedback


⚡️ AMA Summary ⚡️

Mobile App:

  • Currently building a team to develop/enhance the mobile app
  • Not the highest priority, but hoping to be planned around Q4

Liquidity Pools:

  • LP is where you have money on both sides of the pool
  • TribalDex started giving out small fees to the LP providers
    • This fee is charged from the buyer now
    • The more liquidity, the less price impact

Chaos Legion Packs In Quest Rewards:

  • Team estimates around 25k - 30k CL packs will be rewarded in quest rewards per month
  • Once CL packs are all sold out, team isn't sure if the drop will be replaced with DEC

Stream Team:

  • Trying to build a presence on most media channels
    • Better brand visibility while also giving back to the community
  • Goal is to bring new players into the game and organic traffic
  • Holding off on applications currently

Product Pipeline:

  • Ideation => Design => Product Management =>Asset Creation =>Development =>DevOps
  • New features run through this pipeline at different times
  • Allows the team to build multiple features at the same time through this assembly line

2-Factor Authentication:

  • Splinterlands is not a digital asset custodian
    • Exchanges own your tokens as you don't own the wallet/keys
  • Splinterlands players hold their keys and the game doesn't use the keys for the players in any way
  • Adding 2FA would not add additional security if someone steals your keys


  • Hardpoint really wants to drive to update the team's roadmap
  • Hoping to have something out by end of February



Land - Overhead Caldera

Matt's Business Card

Aggroed's Business Card Concept Art


SPS Validators Concept Art


Recent Updates

Ranked Battle Reward System Updates

  • Chaos Legion packs are included in quest rewards
  • Cards on 24-hour cooldown will no longer be able to be listed for rent on the rental market
  • Beta cards will give a 5% DEC bonus when used in Ranked battles
  • Future change may hide your opponent's name

7th Chaos Legion Airdrop Card Revealed

  • Legendary Neautral Monster - Spirit Hoarder
  • Airdrop will be 1 in every 500 packs
  • 4% (or 1 out of 25) chance of being a Gold Foil

Release Notes 2022-01-08

  • 12 new enhancements/features

Grum Fireblade Short Story

  • Story of the Lore behind Grum's appearance


Past AMA Summaries

  • Friday, January 21st, 2022
    • New Team Member Introductions ⚡️
    • Two More Chaos Legion Airdrops Reveals (Eye Candy) 👀
    • AMA Summary 💥


Next AMA - Wednesday, February 9th, 8PM Eastern (1AM UTC)

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