JACEK Mata Rápido [ENG-ESP]

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Jacek, un invocador genial que si lo usas en los momentos adecuados puedes obtener victoriass muy rápidas, gracias a su velocidad, pero también a sus otras dos habilidades que otorga. Agradezco a @enmy por prestármelo XD.

Jacek, a great summoner that if you use him at the right moments you can get very fast victories, thanks to his speed, but also to his other two abilities. Thanks to @enmy for lending him to me XD.


Bastante poder tenía mi oponente. Usó una Gladius y además mucho escudo. Gracias a mi invocador perforaré esos escudos. Mi mejor aliada fue esa TAUNT. Esta habilidad es muy poderosa porque dirige los ataques hacia donde queremos.

My opponent had enough power. He used a Gladius and also a lot of shield. Thanks to my summoner I will pierce those shields. My best ally was that TAUNT. This ability is very powerful because it directs the attacks where we want them to go.


Ya en la primera ronda maté a su tanque y bajé bastante la vida de los demás. Todavía mi TAUNT se mantiene firme y logrando muchos fallos gracias a su velocidad.

Already in the first round I killed his tank and lowered the life of the others quite a bit. Still my TAUNT is holding steady and getting a lot of misses thanks to his speed.


Terminando la ronda dos y ya había eliminado a dos tanques. Su Gladius no pudo hacer nada, en cambio la mía y mi Grum crecieron . El poder actual que tengo es imbatible. Incluso cuando tengo una carta sin ataque, la suma de las demás es demasiado poderosa.

Finishing round two and I had already eliminated two tanks. Their Gladius couldn't do anything, instead mine and my Grum grew. The current power I have is unbeatable. Even when I have a card with no attack, the sum of the others is too powerful.


Ronda 3 y mi TAUNT sigue viva. Esto es increíble y me ayuda a eliminar cartas sin sacrificar las mías. Sigo penetrando escudos que no son barrera para mí. Sigue fallando ataques al TAUNT. Su tanque va a pegar en el escudo de Grum y no causará daño.

Round 3 and my TAUNT is still alive. This is amazing and helps me eliminate cards without sacrificing my own. I keep penetrating shields that are no barrier to me. I keep missing attacks on TAUNT. His tank is going to hit Grum's shield and not cause damage.


Su tanque va a ser eliminado por mi Gladius. Increíblemente mi TAUNT sigue viva. No me ha matado ni una sola carta. Seguro pensó que tenía mucho poder y ganaría. Lo que no entiendo es por qué usó ese invocador si solo usó una Gladius. Es probable que quería jugar con ese draguncito.

His tank is going to be taken out by my Gladius. Amazingly my TAUNT is still alive. He hasn't killed a single card on me. I'm sure he thought he had a lot of power and would win. What I don't understand is why he used that summoner if he only used one Gladius. He probably wanted to play that dragunite.


Gané sin perder cartas. Lo aplasté. Me quedé con un ataque de +17 en melee y +6 en flechas. Final muy rápido gracias a la velocidad aportada por Jacek...

I won without losing cards. I crushed him. I was left with a +17 attack in melee and +6 in arrows. Very fast finish thanks to the speed provided by Jacek...


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If you have not yet registered for the game, you can do so here:

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