About me (and Giveaway Details!)

** Hi guys! It’s Shadow 346 again**- Guildmaster of Illusions of the Grave. We are a newer guild that started sometime around October 2021. I love the community that we have built together! We have a few members that have been with us since the beginning. One of these members- HoneyMushyBaby- was recently promoted to be a guild officer. To celebrate, they are holding a giveaway for everyone who wants to participate! Guild members get extra entries if you would like to officially join the guild. However, anyone is welcome to enter!

Here is the link for entry details: @honeymushybaby/giveaway-time-to-celebrate-chaos-legion

The rest of this post will just be my introduction post for the giveaway. The giveaway ends soon so act fast! I have never done an introduction post on Hive, so this actually works out great!

How I Got Started on Splinterlands

I started the guild shortly after I joined Splinterlands. As a new player, most guilds wouldn’t consider inviting me to join them. That’s why I made my own guild! When I created the guild, I was just a bronze player with a fast growing collection who loved Splinterlands. I never thought that the guild would become such a big aspect of my life. I truly love our members, and participating in our guild chat is a normal part of my day now. Being a leader is not always easy (particularly deciding if a member who hasn’t met their guild fees should stay or go). But my guild mates have really stepped up their game and made my job of monitoring the guild much easier. Even if I’m not online, I can trust that our members have their questions answered and get the help that they need. Way to go guys!

**How I Got Started with NFTs **

I started playing NFT games when I invested in Axie Infinity. The game is fun but grindy. Unfortunately, at the time that I played, the game wasn’t really anchored to players living in the United States. A U.S. player would lose so much of their money in gas fees transferring crypto in and out of the game. If I lived in another country, I could have bought crypto directly from the game and cashed out without gas fees using Binance. I decided to move my investment into a new game, so I did a ton of research. That’s where Splinterlands came in. There aren’t many NFT games where you can buy currency with PayPal! No gas fees? Count me in! I have an obsession with card games like Magic the Gathering. You should see my Magic collection. Splinterlands was perfect for me!

About Me

I live with my boyfriend, Caihne (Splinterlands name), who is a fellow guild member and a guild officer. We live with our two cats and two guinea pigs. I don’t leave the house too often anymore due to the pandemic. I work from home so my animals keep me company when Caihne is away. And of course, so do my guild members 😁 I am constantly checking the guild chat when I can!

For work, I monitor social media pages and respond to comments/private messages. So if I am busy, that’s normally why! I do have an associate degree in programming, but I enjoy artistic practices like writing and drawing more. However, I have the knowledge to completely dismantle and rebuild a computer now, so that’s pretty cool! I also like to build websites for fun since it’s ‘visual’ in addition to being technical.

I chose the degree because it was ‘practical’ and IT is an employable skill. Don’t follow in my footsteps! It’s crazy to waste 2-4 years of your life on something you don’t enjoy or only half enjoy. I only liked a few topics that I learned. I was just too stubborn to quit halfway through, and I figured that a degree is still a degree.

I’ve realized that my real passion is writing. I’ve always been odd because I actually enjoyed writing essays and papers with multiple pages. Cue the groans! While I was in college, I wrote articles on Fiverr as a ghost writer for extra money. Now that I have a decent paying full-time job, I no longer HAVE to write for money but I do for fun. I get my writing fix through writing Hive blogs now and social media 🙂

Here is my Splinterlands referral link for anyone who is new to joining splinterlands: https://splinterlands.com?ref=shadow346

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