Social Media Challenge - My Favorite Dog!


Hi there splinterbuddies! It's yours truly me again and submitting my Social Media Challenge for this week. So how have you been splinterbud? Have you opened those Rebel Booster Packs? Did you joined the Conflict Airdrops? Or amassing your Rebellion Card Collections? This are the thing that are currently considered as hot items, for me, at the moment splinterbuddies. But you could always explore the game and get your ideas based on what you feel is right and you think you needed the most. In simple terms, its on your own discretion. So let's proceed with my blog for this week.

First, let's see what is going on with the general sale right now.


  • Less than a 150k Rebellion Booster packs were sold at the time of writing from my previous blog. It's roughly the same amount from the previous week's sales. We could tell that the Conflict Airdrop might not making waves that much to boost the Rebellion Booster pack sales. I might be wrong though. Lets see later on.

Moving on. Lets see the situation on the Secondary Markets for Rebellion Booster packs at this time around thru Tribaldex.


  • The price up a bit around 0.5 HIVE at the time of writing from the previous blog from the secondary market. There are guys that might prefer buying the Rebellion Booster pack here rather than buying it in-game.

Conflict Airdrops Update


We are almost done with the 4th day of Conflicts Airdrop right at the moment and it is a 30 day round of gathering your points to get that RAGE card as a price.

When the Conflict ends, redeem your Reward Chances for a shot at its airdrop card! Additionally, every 200 Reward Chances earned throughout the event will guarantee a copy! A new conflict will begin immediately after the previous ends.

With this note, be sure to hold at least 200 Reward Chances to surely get your reward card every end of the Conflict.


  • Here is my current Chances at the moment and hoping to add it up as soon as possible. But the Rebellion Cards are so expensive right now that buying will cost you a fortune. lol.

This should be my main topic for my blog. My favorite Dog! yipee! In real life, I am not an animal lover because i am the animal myself. lol. So why my topic is about dogs?

See this Dog? Yeah this guy is my favorite pet I mean splintermonster at the moment. Its name is Daarg Deadblast.

This guy stats is really amazing. Too intelligent kind of dog it is! With Weapons Training and Swiftness skills at its disposal, you will really get satisfied with its 2 Magic damage even it is a bit slow with its speed.


Lets see a battle sample for this one.

  • My Team
SummonerPosition 1Position 2Position 3Position 4Position 5Position 6
Kelya FrendulBaakjiraDaarg DeadblastScavo HirelingRiver HellondaleMoxian RebelChaos Agent
Mana Cap: 4Mana Cap: 6Mana Cap: 7Mana Cap: 3Mana Cap:7Mana Cap:4Mana Cap:1
Level 2Level 1Level 1Level 3Level 1Level 1Level 3

My Team is fighting in the Ruleset Armored Up placing my hope to the summoner Kelya Frendul. Boosting the ruleset with another armor and speed with the Magician Team is my tactic for this fight. BaakJira followed by Daarg Deadblast and Scavo Hireling will form a 3 attacking team because of the skill Weapons training of Daarg Deadblast. River Hellondale was use to revive a fallen member once and another magic damage dealer. Another card that got Weapons Training is included in my team which is the Moxian Rebel and lastly Chaos Agent that will be enhanced by skill of Moxian Rebel with magic damage and will be my back support.

  • The Battle
    I am going to battle an Earth Splinter team with Obsidian and the Magicians as its core. lets see who will prevail.

Round 1
In this round, although the opponent monsters got boosted Magic damages from its summoner, my Baakjira got a void armor and minimizes every magic damage that its facing. Unlike the opponents Mycelic Slipspawn that was bombarded by my 6 monsters attack, it did not have enough time to wait to be healed by Goblin Psychic and fell in this round.

Round 2
With the fell of Mycelic Slipspawn of my opponent, the other members of my opponents team is easily destroyed.

Round 3
This is the end of the battle.

  • So why i am loving the dog Daarg Deadblast? As you can see in the previous battle that its Magic damage can be perform by other adjacent monsters that will be boosted by the Weapons Training. Adding the Swiftness skill, you can have the higher probability to attack first and might grab the win. That is why this Daarg Deadblast card is getting my notice.

You can watch the full battle Here.


Images where from SPLINTERLANDS, Tribaldex and Splintercards.

Editing to some features were made from Canva.

Haven't played Splinterlands yet? Click here for my referral link and explore the game. See you on the Splinter field buddy!!

Thanks for dropping by!

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