Begginers Guide When to Rent

Renting card is a must when starting splinterlands with zero to low budget the cards are too expensive to buy so it is the only choice to advance
When starting with zero to low budget(not including the initial starting 10$ that is a must) you will get frustrated why are you not earning? assuming you have already mastered basic combat you will notice that most of your matched enemies are gonna be using free ones until you reach a certain rating do not underestimate them proper strategy will knock you out even with better cards so the question is when is the right timing to rent cards and advance
The answer is right in the middle of the season why you say? Well I have been stalking the renting market for a month now and have noticed that near the end of the season all rental cards keep increasing their rate meaning you are gonna be losing dec if you do it then
It is probably because everyone is trying to get to a higher league and it is very chaotic try to avoid this
At the start of the season stronger players are climbing back up and will make you colateral damage as they go so early is also a no since dec will be wasted on rent if you keep losing
In short if you plan to push your league for a highier reward at the end of the season do it smack in the middle where prices are not high meaning you wont be spending a lot and you will also have less chance of bumping into monsters on your way
Tip: knowing when to retreat and when to advance will increase your dec earning and loss
Thanks for reading till next time remmember smart planning is the way to victory^^

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