A Sure Win? Conquering Tier 5 Fray 13 in Splinterlands


A battle i want to share :)

Hello splinterlands players, this time i had a quite exciting battle during the brawl.

Let me show you the ruleset first.


Okay so we have no magic. Aim true and amplify. For low mana battles i usually would choose between Lorna and Mylor. Despite the amplify i went for Lorna this time.


The reasons for Lorna are quite simple. White & neutral have very nice low cost sneakers and opportunity creatures. And if you expect to fight vs. a similar idea then the Divine Shield is a very good protection since it can not get disabled like armor.

My opponent (hello @ponte79 ;) ) chose Kelya - i did not expect to fight vs Kelya my fray is the Untamed Chaos Fray and the chances to meet untamed summoners are often quite high.


Here are the line ups


Here you can see the contrast. While I tried to protect the backline with Thornes and Retaliate, my opponent relied on Heal and Triage - also a well-functioning tactic

So let's go round by round

Round 1


The jaguar could protect my back a bit, but it got poisoned and forget that it has retaliate. Still i could give his mandarin a good hit!

Round 2


Still no retaliate in round 2, but the bandit and mandarin fell. After the round the poison also got my jaguar :(

Round 3


In round 3 my leech feel and my grenadier and his uraeus got poisoned. The uraeus did not make it to the next round

Round 4


Luckily uraeus was able to apply poison to the guardian - ofc the grenadier did not survive this round.

Round 5


The guardian got a sneak hit and did not make it.

Round 6


The growth finally lost all of his growth and the biter the armor

Round 7


Of course the sethropod was the next to go down and uraeus lost the armor - no it is 1 vs 1

Round 8


A lucky poison hit!

Round 9


I was the first to attack so i won :D Thank you for making it exciting @ponte79

See the full battle here:

Side note. Some might have noticed that i stopped my raffles. This is because they seem to be not wanted here. Well if this is the case then it is like it is. But since i still like to spend i will reward comments with hsbi if i feel like to do it :D
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