[ES/EN] it's time to get back to basics!



Hoy les traigo un nuevo tutorial de batalla en Splinterlands, y esta vez, vamos a irnos a lo basico. Este es uno de los rulesets mas simples del juego y tambien uno de los primeros que te vas a encontrar en tus partidas, pero es tan complejo a la vez que cuando apenas lo conozcas la verdad es que te va a comer, pero no te preocupes, que aqui estoy yo para guiarte. Me hace muy feliz estar de vuelta una vez trayendoles estos tutoriales de batalla, pero no nos vayamos por las ramas y vamos a los que nos compete en este post, que es el ruleset #BackToBasics.


Today I will bring you guys a new battle tutorial in Splinterlands battle mage secrets, and this time, we're going to go back to the basics. This is one of the simplest rulesets in the game and also one of the first you'll encounter in your games, but it's so complex at the same time that when you just get to know it, it's going to eat you up, but don't worry, I'm here to guide you. It makes me very happy to be back once again bringing you these battle tutorials, but let's not beat around the bush and let's get down to business in this post, which is the #BackToBasics ruleset.


Back To Basics

Back row monsters are safe from enemy's Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity attacks. The ruleset places importance on Magic and Ranged attacks as melee attacks loose their ability to hit outside of the first position. Select monsters with high speed and choose a summoner that increases damage or defense against Magic or Ranged attacks. Lining up monsters in ascending order of their health is the way to go.

Este ruleset tiene un efecto simple, pero contundente. Todas las cartas invocadas pierden todas sus habilidades al momento de empezar la batalla. Eso si, tienes que tomar en cuenta que los efectos de los invocadores tambien se anulan si dicho efecto es otorgar cierta habilidad a tus cartas, entonces no se va a añadir al set de la carta.

¿Cómo le sacas provecho a este ruleset?

La descripcion de Splintercards es bastante descriptiva con eso, utiliza muchas cartas magicas y a distancia (ya que el melee solo servira en primera posicion), que tengan buena velocidad y busca que tu invocador aumente el daño que estas cartas hacen, o en su defecto, que las del oponente pierdan potencia. Valga la redundancia, todo vuelve a lo basico en este ruleset, pegar duro, aguantar bastante, eso es todo.

Con practica seguro que lo vas a ir dominando, asi que a darle con todo.

This ruleset has a very simple, but really powerful effect on the battles. That's all summoned cards lose all their abilities when the battle starts. However, you have to take into account that the effects of the summoners are also cancelled if the effect is to grant a certain ability to your cards, so it will not be added to the set of the card.

How do you take advantage of this ruleset?

The description that we cand find on Splintercards is quite descriptive with that purpose, use a lot of magic and ranged cards (since the melee will only serve in first position), that have good speed and look for your summoner to increase the damage that these cards do, or otherwise, that the opponent's cards lose power. It is worth the redundancy, everything goes back to basics in this ruleset, hit hard, hold enough, that's all.

With practice you will master it for sure, so let's give it everything you've got.



Close Range - Reverse Speed - Back to Basics - 18 Mana cap

Round 1


En esta batalla arranque con un equipo de ataque a distancia, buscando potenciar el ataque con General Sloan y su bono de ataque.

  • Soul Fiend como tanque, para brindarle un golpe extra a mis equipo.

  • Aria Bandit como segunda, porque tiene buena vida y aguantaria bien como tanque para este nivel de mana.

  • Chaos Lackey por la misma razon, aunque este es un poco mas lento asi que atacaria primero en esta batalla.

  • Venari Marksrat al tener 1 de velocidad, era uno de los primeros en atacar.

  • Por ultino Karst Harpy, apoyando desde la retaguardia.

In this battle I started with a ranged attack team, looking to boost the attack with General Sloan and his attack bonus.

  • Soul Fiend as a tank, to give an extra hit to my team.

  • Aria Bandit as second, because he has good health and would hold up well as a tank for this level of mana.

  • Chaos Lackey for the same reason, although this one is a bit slower so I would attack first in this battle.

  • Venari Marksrat having 1 speed, was one of the first to attack.

  • and for last position, Karst Harpy, supporting from the rear.


Round 2


El problema de mi equipo fue contar con un tanque con tan poca vida, y el debuff de vida de Thaddius dañaba muchisimo a mi estrategia, pues todas mis cartas caian muy facil con un par de ataques, incluso en este nivel de mana donde no solemos ver ataques poderosos. Ese es un error que tienes que tener muchisimo cuidado de no cometer, el descuidar un punto tan importante como la vida de tu equipo buscando tener mas ataque.

The problem of my team in this battle was having a tank with so little life points in general, and the life debuff of Thaddius hurt my strategy a lot, because all my cards fell very easily with a couple of attacks, even at this level of mana where we don't usually see powerful attacks. That is a mistake that you have to be very careful not to make, to neglect such an important point as the life of your team looking to have more attack.


Round 3


Ya la situacion se habia vuelto casi imposible debido a ese error, aunque si que mis cartas seguian teniendo un alto poder de ataque, la vitalidad era una debilidad mortal aqui. Traer una carta con la habilidad Shield o Void Armor me hubiese dado la victoria, pero al final, lo que hay es lo que hay.

The situation had already become almost impossible for me on this due to that mistake choosing cards, although my cards still had a high attack power, vitality was a deadly weakness here. Bringing a card with Shield or Void Armor would have given me the victory, but in the end, what is what is what is.



Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

Understanding the weak points on battles where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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