Splinterlands and Poverty alleviation: Possible or Pipe-Dream?


Sometimes I get excited when I think about Hive and Splinterlands. What a wonderful combination to give people around the world a voice to talk to others and a way to bring in some money with only a desire to share and play.

Playing Splinterlands and doing my daily quest I'll typically bring in about 150 DEC. Posting on Splintertalk can be more or less depending on whether I can lure the @monstercurator to a posting but still averages about 1100 SPT a week. With Hive never quite know what I'll get there but still bring in some weekly also.

Those numbers aren't huge and in Canada where I live its just play money really. However, if I look at a country like Haiti My income from a day's playing is more than the daily income of 25% of the population

In theory it sounds great. Get everyone playing and sharing and those reward coins which aren't much in wealthy countries could make a big difference in poor countries.

So, lets get the power of Splinterlands and HIVE out there to cure world hunger.....except that's not going to work.

The current 24 hour volume in DEC is about $127,000 when I checked the Hive-engine which isn't nearly enough if you flood the market with people who are grinding for DEC to help feed them. Pretty much every dollar taken out of the market has to be replaced by someone who is buying into the HIVE (or Splinterlands) ecosystem.

So, the idea of HIVE/Splinterlands curing the worlds problems is a pipe dream

Or maybe its one that just hasn't caught on yet.

There are a lot of gamers out there. There are also a lot of people who want to donate money to help people out there. Unfortunately gamers pay money and make the game developer rich. Well meaning people who donate money often see a large amount of that donation get lot in inefficiencies in distribution channels or outright corruption.

At least with Splinterlands/HIVE you can choose to support someone directly with a tip or a like. You get to know them from their posts or from time battling together in the guild. Hardworking posters and players get the rewards and the lazy....well, they don't.

I do hope that HIVE and Splinterlands continues to thrive and grow. I hope it brings in many gamers with deep pockets who want to grow the game. I hope it brings in many Philanthropists who want to hear the stories of others and give to those who share the best stories and information.

I'm curious to see where things go from here but I'm excited that there is at least the potential to help many out there.

Thanks for reading.

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