Splinterland secret battle mage challenge: Meleek Mayhem

Are melee attacking monsters one of your favourite come up battle cards during a battle lineup challenge? Melee monsters comes with lost of attacking tactical advantage using them in battle give a splinterlander good advantage in battle melee monsters with good attacking speed and health stats are very useful and outstanding in any battle their abilities which range from opportunity, sneak, ambushing and more makes melee attackers awesome in the battle arena.

Although sometimes melee monsters are at disadvantage when facing high magic attacking monsters that's the fun about splinterland game one needs to work on their strategy to keep winning and defeating opponents.


Tips for ruleset

  1. Use a bloodlust melee monster: bloodlust monsters are very formidable as their abilities increases whenever they eliminate a monster.

  2. Adding thorn ability monster: melee attacks on thorn monsters do more damage to the attacking monster.

  3. Up your strategy with opportunity, sneak ability monster this monster come very handy in any battle.

  4. Additional shield monsters will come very handy.

For this battle ruleset I took out my opponent using fire element monsters while my opponent came up with death element below is the battle link.

Battle link


Battle ruleset


Meleek Mayhem this ruleset allows all melee monsters used in the battle lineup to attack from any position on general cases melee attacking monster attacks when they are in frontline expect those with special abilities like sneak or opportunity given such ruleset for melee to attack from every position makes this ruleset interesting, although this ruleset doesn't limit use of other special monsters like the magic and range attackers can be used as well in this ruleset.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo4t9BSDFs6syHDJ1AarAapuATfrZapTFJnf2XXoBamuSqMUTA2qsTRSD6B5uWudpaSRoRuaYmWeHtCdSAjC8jenDZ36rQjxwGJ (1).png

Battle detail


My bloodlust monster did champion this battle as it keep gaining more attacking speed when it eliminated my opponent monster, for this ruleset 24 cost mana cap was given for each opponent to come up with their lineup monsters I did opt in with my fire element while my opponent came up with death element the battle was a short one my opponent couldn't stand the pressure.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo54URU3E1Kn5DkTkDxv8SHDuwgfH7NrXZweUTWFkCTYJHZTZwgmckQEuf1L3KySfo7rj2KWn7A8junBHjTo6HDRZWkBSSnd2gW (1).png

Battle lineup


GRUM FlAMBLADE My first lineup monster as as tank is a fearsome formidable melee monster with good health stat high protective shield and speed it has the bloodlust ability it becomes more dangerous as the battle goes magic attacking it its amour before its health.


TENYII STRIKER My next melee attacking monster is a sneak attacking monster it has high chance of evading backline monster with its good speed it barely miss in any attack.


GOBALANO SOLDIER this melee monster has the ambushing ability it attacks fist in battle first round being a sneak monster gives it ability to attack my opponent backline monster.


RADIATED SCORCHER since all melee monsters can attack from any position placings this monster at backline will serve as a backup.


Battle strategy

My strategy for this battle as can be seen from my lineup is to come all in with melee attackers.

With my tank having ability to take up magic attacks with its shield first makes me more confident about my lineup my tank will be going all out with it attacking speed which can also increase in the battle round, my second lineup monster and third lineup monsters being a sneak attacking monster will focus on my opponent backline monster while my last line monster will assist my tank.

My strategy did went as planned and my opponent couldn't stand my come up strategy.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo54URU3E1Kn5DkTkDxv8SHDuwgfH7NrXZweUTWFkCTYJHZTZwgmckQEuf1L3KySfo7rj2KWn7A8junBHjTo6HDRZWkBSSnd2gW (1).png

Battle arena


The battle was a very quick one since my lineup monsters are quick with their attacking speed my opponent did not get much chance to attack my lineup the battle lasted three round with only my backline monster eliminated from the battle arena.


Round 1 the battle is a battle of four against four my opponent having a thorn monster as their tank with a magic attacker the first round was bad for my opponent as they lose the battle from round one.


Round 2 in the second round my opponent have taken lots of damage with one monster eliminated from both team.


Round 3 last round my opponent left with one monster on their side their is no way out!

Battle link

Join splinterland play and earn rewards while having fun with you monster collection, let's meet the battle arena setup an account for free here enjoy amazing features of blockchain gaming.

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo5DjrHr5ohicsPyafqWykbEf2DJMmZXRj6KPc8h1i3nkDcZ2Pkr3GYbpXLiL6DE2GcroJQkcPDPQr5xvr24NSvxiNPEkTCWvKg (2).png

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