Secret battle mage challenge: lost legendaries

Legendary monsters are epic monsters in splinterland game they are rare and sometimes hard to come by they are above average when used in any battle as the possess special abilities against opponent monsters.

This week battle ruleset rule out the use of Legendary monster which means we will not be having them in our lineup battle formation that been said we have to improvise using other special abilities monsters I love using Legendary monster as they are cool with special abilities.

There's no much tips for this week ruleset one need to stick with their special strategy as this ruleset requires use of all kinds of monsters and elements with only the exception of Legendary monsters, take advantage of sneak, opportunity, healing using health and shield thorn or taunt monster can be used against an opponent as well.


For this battle ruleset my opponent came up with death element monster while I used water element its a low mana cost cap battle with multiple rounds but in the end only one summoner will be declared victorious below is the battle link.

Battle link

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo54URU3E1Kn5DkTkDxv8SHDuwgfH7NrXZweUTWFkCTYJHZTZwgmckQEuf1L3KySfo7rj2KWn7A8junBHjTo6HDRZWkBSSnd2gW (1).png

Battle ruleset


This week's battle ruleset is pretty straight forward lost legendaries. No legendry monster will be used in the battle other monsters like the neutral, magic, range and so on will be used in the battle arena this ruleset doesn't stop a splinterlander from coming up with formidable lineup units for their battle its some what hard to predict an opponent next move in this ruleset as anything can likely go any monster formation can be used.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo4t9BSDFs6syHDJ1AarAapuATfrZapTFJnf2XXoBamuSqMUTA2qsTRSD6B5uWudpaSRoRuaYmWeHtCdSAjC8jenDZ36rQjxwGJ (1).png

Battle detail


For this battle ruleset 24 cost mana cap was given for both summoners to come up with their lineup monsters its pretty a low cost cap but will do for no legendry ruleset my lineup monsters were quite ferocious with opportunity and high speed melee attacking monster.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo54URU3E1Kn5DkTkDxv8SHDuwgfH7NrXZweUTWFkCTYJHZTZwgmckQEuf1L3KySfo7rj2KWn7A8junBHjTo6HDRZWkBSSnd2gW (1).png

Battle lineup


DIEMONSHARK My first lineup monster as a tank is a melee attacking monster with a trampling ability it can attack twice once when it eliminate any opponent tank DIEMONSHARK is good for tank as it generally has good slashing attacking damage and speed to have high effect damage on opponent monsters.


MERDAALI GUARDIAN any good battle lineup needs good support with a healing monster on my lineup my tank have better chance in the arena.


DEEPLURKER always ahead in the battle when you have an opportunity monster in your lineup this monster have good attacking ability and speed to take out weak links from opponent sides.


PELACOR BANDIT My last lineup is a sneak monster it attacks my opponent lineup from backline creating an open link for penetration.


Battle strategy

My trampling ability monster did champion this battle with it ability to attack twice once it get rid of any monster give my lineup big head up to take charge of the arena. In this lineup formation I used more of melee attacking monster my tank third and last line monster were all melee attacking monster I used healing monster to support my tank which went quite well.

Sure my strategy did went well as planned my tank did most of the damage with my opportunity monster getting rid of monsters with low health stats.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo54URU3E1Kn5DkTkDxv8SHDuwgfH7NrXZweUTWFkCTYJHZTZwgmckQEuf1L3KySfo7rj2KWn7A8junBHjTo6HDRZWkBSSnd2gW (1).png

Battle arena


The battle arena lasted 13 round my opponent having a scan monster pretty much made the battle duration longer after the long streak battle my opponent was defeated at the 13th round.


Round 1 Round 1 started with five against four well at the first round my opponent tank was eliminated my opponent strategy was to use both their scavenging monster and sneak to take over the battle


Round 2 now four against four the battle seem to be on equal level but looks like I still have better chance and advantage than my opponent.


Round 3 At the end of round 3 my backline sneak monster was eliminate along with my opponent backline monster.


Round 4 its now three against three battle getting more interesting but my lineup monsters looks even more ready for the battle.


Round 5 My opponent is left with a magic and sneak attackers while my both sneak attacking monster are more formidable than that of my opponent.


Last round 13 the last lap my tank and my opponent sneak attacking monster my tank has good chance with it high speed defence against my opponent.

Battle link

Join splinterland play and earn rewards while having fun with you monster collection, let's meet the battle arena setup an account for free here enjoy amazing features of blockchain gaming.

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva


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