Secret battle mage challenge: Holy Protection

Holy protection is this week's secret mage battle ruleset, good thing about this ruleset is it gives all lineup unit monster divine shield and protects them from first attack lauch by an opponent monster, importantly this ruleset if merged with good strategy and monster combo there is certain high chance of winning the battle.

At some point every summoners would love to have such abilities of dive shield in every battle no one loves to loss in the arena so this week with divine shield we can counter any first attempted attack from an opponent.

Little tips for this ruleset

  1. Good tanks: can either have good shielding, health stats or a thorn ability monster.

  2. Magic attacking monsters: good thing about magic monsters is their abilities to lauch attacks from distance while avoiding thorn monsters.

  3. Good slashing attackers: here sneak, opportunity monster can be leveraged.

  4. Predict your opponent by checking their most used element

  5. Taunt monster can come very handy in this ruleset.


For this week's ruleset I managed to take out my opponent with some good monsters combo using fire and death monsters while my opponent came up with water element monsters below is the battle link.

Battle link


Battle ruleset


Holy protection ruleset gives all lineup monsters divine ability, first attacks by opponent are shielded by each lineup monsters until the second attack is launched, for this ruleset there are no monster restrictions all monsters with different abilities can be used for this ruleset making it very difficult for a summoner to guess what their opponents can easily come up with in the battle.


Battle detail


This week battle cap mana looks good as both summoners are give 45 cost mana to come up with their lineup monsters my opponent went for water element monsters for their battle pick while I used combine summoners for this strategy using fire and death monsters combo.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo53HdEiFujFRMATd69pq2x9imNGNstYTRfY2XmA6jcV5CLG5ugFXyWZaeooWx75Q2N8rXyraoY3LkFoH6sutq8nUg5CmfeMohp (2).png

Battle lineup


CURSED WINDEKU My first lineup monster tank is a death element monster with thorn ability if my opponent happens to come up with melee attacking monster as tank then my thorn ability monster can cause more damage on my opponent tank when they attack.


TENYII STRIKER a fire element monster with sneak ability this monster attacks opponent monsters from backline making good opening on opponents sides.


SILENT SHA-VI Another sneak attacking monster making good opening from behind is a good battle strategy as most summoners prefer to make their tanks and backline defence very good.


GOBALANO SOLDIER here again another sneak ability monster with ambushing ability this monster gives lineup monsters to always attack first.


HELHEIM DEMON a taunt monster with magic ability this monster will always take all attacks from opponent monsters giving lineup monsters opportunity to attack.


TINDERLOCK a very good backline supporting monster with range ability it also gains additional opponent monster health stats when it becomes the last standing monster.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo4t9BSDFs6syHDJ1AarAapuATfrZapTFJnf2XXoBamuSqMUTA2qsTRSD6B5uWudpaSRoRuaYmWeHtCdSAjC8jenDZ36rQjxwGJ (1).png

Battle strategy

Both opponent did came up with good lineup monsters in the battle arena but only one summoner will be declared winners at the last round.

From my lineup it can be seen my lineup consist more of sneak ability monsters, my thanks a thorn ability monster will do double damage on my opponent tank which make me focus more on my opponent backline monster my range attacking monster is quite good with its attacking ability a single attack from my backline monster can also cause good damage.

Having three sneak monster and a taunt to take first few round attacking damage will make my sneak monster a bit formidable to attack and quickly take out my opponent backline monster.

My strategy did work out well and at the end of the last round I managed to take out my opponent.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo4t9BSDFs6syHDJ1AarAapuATfrZapTFJnf2XXoBamuSqMUTA2qsTRSD6B5uWudpaSRoRuaYmWeHtCdSAjC8jenDZ36rQjxwGJ (1).png

Battle arena


The battle arena is ready for rumble and each summoner and their lineup monsters are ready to start rumbling the battle lasted eight rounds, coming up with more sneak monsters got a good hold of my opponent backline monster.


Round 1 the battle arena is ready to rumble first round its battle of six against six in the first round no monster was eliminated in the battle.


Round 2,4 at this round the battle has get even more intense with three monsters eliminated from my opponent side while my side loss two monsters.


Round 5,7 its now three against two at this rate my opponent knows the battle tide isn't in their favour.


Round 8 the last round only two magic monsters remain in my opponent side while I'm left with two melee and one range monster at the end I took out my opponent leading to my victory.

Battle link

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All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva

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