Strategycorner with Mammuter #1 - Ruleset Super Sneak

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Super sneak

This is the first post in what I plan to be a blog series on Splinterlands strategy.

Splinterlands is a game with a huge variety of rulesets and card restrictions, which makes general strategies difficult to come up with. What strategy works will depend on the league and what cards the player has available.

The legendary bronze slayer combo: Alric summoner + Pixie + Medusa + Elven mystic:
might seem like a cure-all sort of thing in Bronze but will soon be overrun in higher leagues.

Because of the wide variety of rulesets in Splinterlands, I will focus on the ones I came across and share my thoughts on effective ways to deal with them.

In this post, I will discuss the match setup Super Sneak.
The full ruleset here is Super Sneak, no legendary cards allowed, Water, Earth, Life and Death summoners allowed. Super Sneak means that all melee attackers now have the ability the attack the monster that is the farthest back on the opponents' team. (The exception is if the the opponents has a hero with taunt which forces all to attack him instead: remember this guy?

When the ruleset Super Sneak appears, it means that the hero you place in the back position will have a really rough day. However, when we know this, we can prepare for it.

The neutral monster Onyx Sentinel is a really good backliner in this ruleset. Why? Well, he reduces the damage of incoming melee and ranged attacks:
What's more, if you combine him with the death splinter Zintar Mortalis (on the right), the opponents melee attackers will have reduced attack damage. The combination means that Onyx will be really tough to take down.

Here is a full battle where I run this strategy on my account named "SandMammoth". Out of six heroes in a 42-mana battle, not a single one dies:

Defending against Super Sneak

It's not often that not a single monster goes down without any healing on the team. But the Onyx Sentinel can really stand his ground!

If you know the rulesets well, you can prepare for scenarios where opponents try to take advantage of them. This strategy can be carried out with similar heroes to Onyx, like, the Living Lava or Cyclops at lvl 3:
Here is a full list of heroes that reduces incoming melee and ranged damage.
I hope some newcomers find this useful!

Until next time,
Mammuter image.png

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