Legendary Dragon Unit "VOID DRAGON"

As Uul waited for the next rift to open and for the assault to begin he grew bored. Reaching for the roiling fumes above, he scooped a generous portion from the sky and toyed with it, morphing the noxious cloud into different shapes. When a fell bat swooped by, he tossed the energy that had grown within the swirling mist at the creature, and the two collided in a fusion of angry hisses. What flew out of the resultant vapours was truly a marvel indeed. A sleek, almost feline body cavorted through the air; with multiple eyes and a peculiar bat-like snout, it was a dragon dissimilar to any that had come before. And it was of his own doing. Uul’s open maw twisted and stretched into what only could be described as a smile, as his new-born phased in and out of existence through the night’s shroud above.

There is talk that since the rise of Praetoria and the formation of the chaos gate, strange demons have been sighted amongst the clouds above the new continent. Some have described them as huge bat-like creatures with incredible speed, others swear they are flying invaders from the other world, but to the scholars in Draykh-Nahka who have seen their images there is no doubt, these are new, uncatalogued sub-species of dragon. For reasons unknown, these creatures spend most of their time hidden within the clouds, but from the limited studies done, it is evidenced they have a strong resistance to magic and a predilection for hunting at night when the moon is full.
Kyex Nezamo shifted the pack from his shoulders, placing it gently on the boulder. Reaching in, he carefully lifted out the precious eyeglass he’d acquired in Brynn before leaving Draykh-Nahka. Picking up a small rock, he weighed down the scroll he’d been writing on and shielded his eyes, looking to the sky. A black shadow darted from a distant cloud and he quickly lifted the glass, following it and scribbling notes at the same time. It was remarkable how the creature could shift, almost phasing in and out of existence at times. He continued to watch until it eventually passed back into the cloud and slid the eyeglass into his pocket, grabbing the quill with unbridled enthusiasm and starting to sketch the outline of the beast. The scholars back home would pay handsomely for his research, and his mind flitted between the breath-taking display he’d just witnessed and the prospect of gold. He became so engrossed in it all that he didn’t hear the soft footfalls until it was too late.

Kyex felt something land on his shoulder and drip onto the parchment, a long viscous thread of drool. Slowly turning, he raised an arm in defence and stumbled back against the boulder. The Void Dragon cocked its head to one side, six eyes staring back at him, orbs of the darkest purple reflecting the terrified grimace that twisted his face. It opened its mouth, showing razor sharp teeth and a green glow radiated across its serpentine tongue.

“Now…th-there there, good dragon,” Kyex started to edge to the side of the boulder, holding his hands out in front of him.

The dragon gave a gentle cluck, its eyes following him as it flexed the great wings across its slender back. Kyex paused, marvelling at how something so big could move with such speed and grace. He spotted a rune as well, just below the dragon’s throat. An old rune, one he’d seen before on some of the scrolls from the great library. Curiosity got the better of him then as he carefully reached for his scroll, but the dragon’s head shot forward with lightning speed, snapping the head from his shoulders before he could even scream.


Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.

Reduced damage from Magic attacks.

Magic attacks can miss this Monster (using the same hit/miss calculation as for Melee and Ranged attacks).

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