The Tohw Hall comes with and with it brings new cards which are still mysteries since they have only revealed small things to us, images, one or another attribute, and some powers, however I bring you everything that has been published in this publication
Glamours is like a skin in this case it is the emberguard which changes its image, also adding attributes and powers, this could be a plus in the future being made in the card we want to buff our card
Rick Launamin
Of this card we only have the illustration which has a great archer, which reveals that it will have a great range power, so it could be a good powerful card if it fits in a great deck, it would easily have a +3 range power according to me.
Heloise the Hollow
For this card we do have more information with a very brutal damage of +8 Melee, in addition to having 2 new skills that will undoubtedly break it with the ones we already know, a card with 4 skills is very broken
These are 2 new skills which are a mystery to everyone, however they will surely be very strong in battles, in addition to the new 5 rules that are coming could fit with these new skills.