Splinterlands - Land: The Secret of Praetoria - Land Phase 1.5


Welcome to Phase Land 1.5!
Review the whitepaper - The Secret of Praetoria - Phase 1.5 and the Land Phase 1.5: Preflight Checklist

In order to interact with Land 1.5, you must be a land owner. Claimed land is available for purchase within the Land section, and unclaimed deeds are still available for purchase within the non-card market.

Be sure to claim your land deed and survey your land prior to using the new features! Note the new Land 1.5 Filters as well.

Mavs QuickStart Guide to Managing Land
Managing your land can be fun and easy. Follow these steps for the optimal user experience or follow Building a Worksite: Resource Production.

Open Packs - Use https://qa.peakmonsters.com/ to bulk open Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers packs.
Combine Cards.
Claim your land deeds.
Survey your land.
Press the new Production button (in the upper right of the screen).

Select a Region and Stake Dark Energy.
Select an individual plot and click Manage.
If you have totems, claim totems.
Add a Power Source to individual plots.
Stake Cards and Items on land.
Build your worksite.
Ensure that you have Dark Energy Staked to your region.
Use Time Crystals to speed up production.
Own a Castle or a Keep? Review Castles and Keeps

Full Guide to Managing Your Land

  1. Staking DEC/Dark Energy
    Staked DEC or Dark Energy is required to fuel your power core. For the smoothest experience with the Mavs release, we recommend that you begin by staking Dark Energy to the region in which you own land. After staking cards and items, you may adjust the amount of Dark Energy staked. Please note that unstaking Dark Energy will is not possible without unstaking cards and items first.

When staked, DEC becomes Dark Energy at a 1:1 ratio. It may be staked instantly.
Dark Energy: FAQ
How to Add (Stake) Dark Energy to Land
How to Remove (Unstake) Dark Energy from Land
Unstaking DEC is not possible without Unstaking Cards and Items from Land.

  1. Claim Totems
    Totems must be claimed before staking to grant boosts to your productivity. Claiming totems prior to staking cards and items will provide the smoothest user experience.

What are totems?
Claiming Totems to Stake on Land
Totem Fragments: FAQ

  1. Add a power source or Runi to individual plots.
    Runi are not available for the mavs release

In order to begin the process of managing your land, you must stake a Power Source to charge your workers to your plots. Both Power Cores and Runi are power sources. While Power cores require staked DEC or Dark Energy as fuel, Runi do not.
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Power sources can be purchased by burning 5,000 DEC or DEC-B.
Power Sources: FAQ
How to Purchase a Power Core
Power Cores are non-transferable
Managing Your Runi on Land

  1. Stake Cards and Items on land.
    After ensuring that you have a power source staked and have claimed your totems, you may Stake Cards and Items.

Card and Item Staking: FAQ
How to Stake (Add) Cards and Items on Land
How to Unstake (Remove) Cards and Items from Land
Unstaking cards will put them on cooldown for 72 hours.
Be sure to note Production Boosts when determining which cards to stake to your land.

Terrain Preferences
Land Production Boosts
Totem and Title Production Boosts

  1. Build your Worksite.
    After you have staked cards and items to your plots and have staked dark energy to your region, you may begin Building your Worksite. Your worksite must be complete prior to initiating resource production.

Resource Production: FAQ
Building a Worksite: Resource Production
You may build your worksite instantly using Time Crystals. This allows you to avoid paying grain to complete your worksite.
Research: FAQ
Mining SPS: FAQ
Grain: FAQ
Changing your Worksite.

  1. Use Time Crystals to Speed Up Production.
    Time Crystals may be used to speed up construction by reducing the production points required for a project by 10,000. If you choose to speed up construction after building a worksite, you must pay your workers grain in order to complete the worksite.

Time Crystals may be purchased by burning 100 DEC or DEC-B for each Time Crystal.
Time Crystals: FAQ
Speed Up Construction Time using Time Crystals
How to Transfer Time Crystals
How to Purchase Time Crystals

  1. Harvest
    After your worksite has been built, and your plots are producing resources, you may participate in Harvests.

Harvest: FAQ
How to harvest
Grain is required to feed your workers during the harvest and upon worksite completion.
Grain may be purchased by burning 1 DEC or DEC-B per grain.
How to Purchase Grain
Transfer Grain from One Region to Another Region
Transfer Grain from your Inventory to Another Region
Totem Fragments are discoverable during the harvest phase.
A 10% tax will be collected during harvest.

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