My Battle With GRUND For Splinterlands Weekly Challenge

This week Splinterlands gave a challenge of battle with a fantastic card. The card is GRUND. It is called an extraordinary card because of its Double Strike & Trample ability. Today I am back with the battle post of this week's battle challenge. I will present my lineup and battle summary here.


Watch The Battle

Battle Rules


Two rules were effective in this battle. One is Silenced Summoners because of this rule, the summoner cannot use any of his abilities. I used Earth Summoner in this battle which at other times increased one health of my team's monsters but did not increase the health of my team's monsters due to the Silenced Summoner rule of this battle. Another rule is Fire & Regret ability. As a result, after the ranged attack monsters attack the opponent's monster, it will also be damaged. Half of the damage caused by the attack will be to the attacking monster. Because of this rule, I did not use ranged attacking monsters in this battle.





In this battle, I used one of my favourite Earth Summoners Lyanna Natura. My main purpose was to battle with Splinterlands' weekly battle card, so I battled with this summoner. I could have added Grund to the team with Dragon Summoner, but Dragon Summoner was not available in this battle. Lyanna Natura can increase the health of one of the team's monsters, but it cannot use its power due to the battle rule.




I put Grund first in my lineup because the level 4 Grund I used had Double Strike and Trample abilities. Its Double Strike and Trample helped me win this battle. In the second round, it single-handedly killed three of the opponent's monsters with its Double Strike and Trample abilities. This monster made my battle easy.



Its Divine Shield is the main reason for placing Spirit Shaman in the second position. Also, the level 5 Spirit Shaman I used had a Stun ability. It stuns the opponent's monster so it cannot attack. The opponent's first-position monster couldn't heal even once because Spirit Shaman kept it stunned.



I included Wood Nymph in my team because of the Tank Heal ability. This helped increase my team's Grund health every round. In addition, my level 8 Wood Nymph had the Strengthen ability, which resulted in extra health for all the monsters in my party.



Screeching Vulture's opportunity and Scavenger ability is the main reason to include it in the team. Due to its opportunity ability, it was able to quickly attack and kill the opponent's monsters by reducing their health.



Its Swiftness ability and inspire ability are very effective. It added melee attack and speed to one of my party's monsters. But due to its low health, it could not survive for long.



This is the last monster in my team. It is a card costing 0 mana. It didn't cost me any mana, but I added it to the team and placed it at the end to complete the 6th status.


Battle Video

You can enjoy the battle from my youtube channel. Give a like and subscribe for upcoming battles.


In this battle, there were a total of 4 rounds. But in the 2nd round, when Grund killed three monsters at once, I knew I would win this battle. Especially Grund and Spirit Shaman also showed great power in this battle.

Wood Nymph, Grund and Spirit Shaman played an effective role in winning this battle.

However, Brownie and Furious Chicken could not play any role in this battle. The monsters of the opposing team targeted them and killed them quickly.

I could lose this match if the opponent monster didn't miss the attack.

Did My Plan work, and How do I want to use this monster next time?

Yes, My strategy worked adequately, and I think this is my best battle with the Grund. Though the opponent had come with some high-level and powerful monsters, my lineup destroyed the opponent's lineup. Grund is also a powerful monster if we can use it properly in the proper positions. In my lineup, the other monsters are also so helpful. Next time I would like to use this monster with a super sneak rule set.

#splinterlands #play2earn

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