Oshannus vs Usut?

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Creo que si tienes un par de años jugando Splinterlands, puedes saber el poder y lo roto que llego a estar Oshannus, siendo una de las cartas gratuitas mas caras que he visto, de hecho llegue a pensar que nunca podría tener una, recuerdo haber visto que tenia un precio de casi 50$ nivel 1, además sumándolo con Aldrich lo hacia aun mas roto todavía, desde que Aldrich fue relegado a solo al formato wild y la aparición de cartas que disminuían la magia, Oshannus fue perdiendo un poco de terreno.

"I think that if you have been playing Splinterlands for a couple of years, you can know the power and how broken Oshannus became, being one of the most expensive free cards I have seen, in fact I thought I could never have one, I remember seeing which had a price of almost $50 level 1, also adding it with Aldrich made it even more broken, since Aldrich was relegated to only the wild format and the appearance of cards that decreased the magic, Oshannus was losing a little ground."

Igual, admito que lo uso bastante con la carta de que permite jugar Gladuis y armo una estrategia bastante solida, ya que en nivel 2 tiene la habilidad de Phase.

"Anyway, I admit that I use it a lot with the card that allows Gladuis to play and I put together a fairly solid strategy, since at level 2 it has the Phase ability."

Pero esta vez, no era yo quien usaba a Oshannus, a mi querida carta que me ha dado tantas victorias.... Jugue con Usut, una de las nuevas cartas que salio con Bloodlust, buena vida, tambien con la habilidad de volar y 2 puntos de magia, que se extienden a medida que va aniquilando oponentes.

"But this time, it was not me who used Oshannus, my beloved card that has given me so many victories.... I played with Usut, one of the new cards that came out with Bloodlust, good life, also with the ability to fly and 2 points of magic, which extend as you annihilate opponents."

En una batalla, mano a mano... ¿Quién ganaría?

"In a battle, hand to hand... Who would win?"

Seguramente, sin invocadores, solo uno enfrente del otro, Oshannus tiene todas las de ganar, con su habilidad de Void, sin embargo, con una estrategia (no tan pensada, pero igual me funciono) logre que Usut consiguiera ventaja suficiente para poder sobreponerse al poder del gran Oshannus

"Surely, without summoners, just one in front of the other, Oshannus has everything to win, with his Void ability, however, with a strategy (not so well thought out, but it still worked for me) I managed to get Usut enough advantage to be able to overcome the power of the great Oshannus"

Me toco enfrentarme a CrazyOldLady

"I have to face CrazyOldLady"


Su estrategia, consistía mantener alejado del daño a Oshannus por lo menos los primeros turnos y que pudiera potenciarse con la habilidad de mártir de la otra carta, lo que el no sospechaba es que mi invocador le quitaría un punto de magia y uno de vida, además que al eliminar la carta, no solo Oshannus conseguiría aumentar su poder, sino Usut también

"His strategy was to keep Oshannus out of harm's way for at least the first few turns and that he could be enhanced with the martyr ability of the other card. What he did not suspect was that my summoner would take away one point of magic and one point of life. Furthermore, by eliminating the card, not only Oshannus would be able to increase his power, but Usut would also increase his power."


Ya Oshannus había recuperado su poder, 2 de magia y tenia una velocidad enorme, pero Usut tenia 3 de magia, con lo que podría hacerle un daño de 2, ya que el Void lo protegía, yo coloque una carta mas que pudiera permitir que Usut alargara un poco el sufrir daño y el ocasionara algún golpe que le permitiera la ventaje ante Oshannus.

"Oshannus had already recovered his power, 2 magic and had enormous speed, but Usut had 3 magic, which could do him 2 damage, since the Void protected him, I placed one more card that could allow Usut It would prolong the damage a little and cause some blow that would give him the advantage against Oshannus."


En un toma y dame, que duro unos 4 turnos, se ve como Usut le da el golpe final a Oshannus, haciéndose aun mas invencible ante las cartas que tenia detrás, adquiriendo Bloodlust.

"In a give and take, which lasted about 4 turns, Usut is seen giving the final blow to Oshannus, becoming even more invincible against the cards he had behind him, acquiring Bloodlust."


Con ese poder, ya yo no tendría duda quien seria el ganador

"With that power, I would have no doubt who would be the winner."

Usut WIN!!

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