My DJINN OSHANNUS journey part 6


Hi guys good morning how are you today? I hope you all really well.

Its me informal, i wanted to continue my story, a journey using DJINN OSHANNUS card in splinterlands games.

A little bit of flash back story of how I choose DJINN OSHANNUS card as my all time favorite legendary card.

This is a flash back story of how i changed my view about this games from playing games using only my head to playing games deeply with all my heart that take my gaming experience into another level of enjoyment.

Then the story begin.

A few moments ago when i just started this games i try a lot of summoner and monster combination and got frustrated because i get beaten and take a lot losing battle streak.

Until one day i see some YouTube video about maylor, the famous and the most used earth splinter summoner. First i rented it and try to play it and its work really great, it takes me from novice to bronze 1 in just a few short times.

"Holy smoke..." i said to myself. This mylor thing is really working. Fortunately i have some extra money in my pocket so i buy some crypto and buy DEC then buy mylor.

After playing mylor for a while i realized that mylor has a weakness when facing an enemy using a lot of range magic.

Mylor and earth splinter is working quite great but at that moment of time i mostly play this game only with my head my logic and never with heart my feeling.

There are something inside me specifically inside my heart telling me that mylor isn't the one card i was looking for. So i keep searching, renting another cards testing it and repeat over over again but still can't find the right one card that my heart yearning for.

So everytime i play this games i only try to make some profit some DEC for every winning battle. But my heart feel flat, empty no emotion at all whether i am winning or losing its just the same empty flat no feeling at all. I feel no joy at playing this games its just some thing I do to make some extra money from my crypto currency.

Times goes on, but then something that changed my view about this games comes. The new chaos legion reward card is start coming and some is selling in the market.

I still remember that morning when i wake up and check the splinterlands market looking if there are some cheap card to buy. I click the water splinter market and a few scroll down and BAM i see the one card that changed my gaming experience forever.

I see DJINN OSHANNUS legendary card, I don't how it happened but I love the card the first moment i saw it, the graphics and the powerful stats and the price oh boy is very very low for a powerful legendary like this i said to myself.

Now its sound crazy but i feel something in my heart just by looking at a card that telling me this one card will be the one card that i will use in almost every battle. Through the high of winning and through the low of losing. The battle cry of splinterlands game.

Its illogical but at that moment i choose to follow my heart and that my dear friend changed all my view about gaming forever.

I sold all my mylors and other monster and buy DJINN OSHANNUS cards. From the moment i play with DJINN OSHANNUS card i feel tingling in my heart every battle every winning and every losing i really feel it deeply in my heart. And change my gaming experience forever.

Its sound crazy and illogical but hey heart has different force than logic. Its risky to follow our heart but oh boy its bring joy into plying this game.

Now everytime i play splinterlands with my DJINN OSHANNUS card my heart is sing. Its feel like listening to some beautiful music that can make my day feel just great. Its doesn't matter whether i win or lose i enjoy every moment of it.

So guys just find the one card that you really loved, you will know when you find it, your heart will tell you that this is the one. And if you can do that it will make your gaming experience getting high in to another level.

Thats enough about my flashback story. Lets continue into my daily DJINN OSHANNUS journey.

Today i finished my daily quest its about stealth mission so i can finished it in very short of time using my favorite card DJINN OSHANNUS with water deck cards. I get a rare venari crystal smith as a reward, i rarely play life splinter but for now i will not sell it and keep it in my card collections. I enjoy every moment of it guys.

Guys in today battle i am facing quite a lot of my opponent using DJINN OSHANNUS in their time. Oh man i am so happy, you know why? Because finally splinterlands player start to recognize about how poweful it this card is. I hope more and more player use this card in the future.

So that's it for today. I hope you guys blessed with a lot of good luck in your own splinterlands journey. See you on my next post. Thank you so much for your time.

I really you guys find your favorite card. It doesn't matter whether a legendary card with a strong stats or a card with no attack like creeping ooze. What matter is you find a card that make your heart feel good when you see it on your battle.

As always, keep playing with your heart...

Sincerely from the deep of my heart,

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