Back to basics- Ain't Nothing Like A Magic Showdown

Having just recently increased my playing time again, it is time to share a Battle Secrets Blog and do I have an interesting one for you!

Back to Basics

The Back to Basics ruleset is very simple, no abilities allowed just cards. It is a statistics versus statistics match up. Speed, damage and health is all that really matters. When I play this ruleset, I tend to go for a damage buff or a damage debuff for my summoner - but I would only debuff if you are certain on a particular damage type. One example might be a Back to Basics & Wands Out ruleset. I'd then consider a debuff potentially.

Damage is key in this ruleset. So let's get into it! Let the Battle commence.

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  • My strategy is go for power and hit them hard as possible.
  • Given that Magic will always hit unless they use a Sithspa Summoner, I think magic is the way to go and where better than the Earth splinter for just that.
  • Everything else should support the damage plan where possible
  • Utilise my higher level cards where possible

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One of my favourite summoners. With Magic being very strong due to its ability to not miss (Unless an ability interferes with it), Obsidan is a great way to boost magical damage on my lineup.

Hill Giant

I want to use a Tank here to soak up some damage. Ideally quite a lot but they are fairly expensive on the mana. Hill Giant is a great example of a good simple tank for just 3 mana. With seven health and two damage, whilst slow, he can do the job.

Mycelic Morphoid

I put the Mycelic Morphoid in second position so that it might still be alive to soak up one last round of attacks ahead of the rest of my lineup. With the single mana point to spare, it made sense to do this as the opponent is unable to reach the back of my lineup. Normally with the Thorns ability, Mycelic Morphoid is a little difference maker at times, I doubt that will be the case here though but for one mana I can't complain.

Regal Peryton

One of the defining assets of this card is its speed. Flying and 6 speed make for a nasty opponent in the right rulesets. Whilst flying won't make a difference here, the six speed is going to help repell any slower physical or ranged attacks. One of my first choice cards for this lineup - certainly worth levelling up if you get the chance.

Magi of Chaos

As a result of this battle, I have levelled the Magi of Chaos up to second level as I noticed recently it was costing me RP at Silver level. This card is a great choice in a Magic battle (particularly Wands Out) in this instance 3 damage once buffed by Obsidian was hard to ignore.

Goblin Psychic

A real classic Earth card for the modern era of Splinterlands. Typically with Tank heal, the boosted damage of three by Obsidian makes this card too strong to ignore, hopefully it is fast enough for the battle ahead. This is a card I really enjoy playing especially when my account is back in Silver again.

Spirit Hoarder

It was a split decision between this card or Djinn Biljka and one statistic made the key difference here... Health. The one addition hit point made this the correct choice. Triage is an awesome ability to have but in a Back to Basics ruleset which is one you really need to pay attention to, Triage won't make a difference in this battle.

Opposing Lineup:


Looks like we are in for a Magic Fight! Presumably the opponent has made the same selection for similar reasons to my own. The level of the two Obsidian's my make the difference here as I have levelled up my own cards so where possible I am playing with the maximum Bronze rating (account was just getting moving again after a long time sat renting and farming land).

Mycelic Morphoid

Similar to myself with the additional mana, in a battle like this the extra hit points do count.

Mycelic Slipspawn

This card is a threat that needs to be shut down quickly. High health and high damage with the Obsidian buff to magic. A good choice of card. I decided against this card as the cost was quite high compared to some of the other choices I have. For example, Magi of Chaos does the same damage with half the health for six mana. Perhaps I have made a misstep here?

Regal Peryton

As before, a great selection of card with one key difference between the two; level. The second level for the Regal Peryton contains an additional speed increase which may prove the difference here.

Goblin Pyschic

Another card and another similar selection to my own, this time with the Goblin Psychic. With a lower health statistic of three compared to five there is a significant difference there.

Djinn Biljka

This is a lineup of what could have been. A good choice again and certainly one I'd have selected if the Spirit Hoarder was unavailable. Personally, I might have placed this card further forward to take an extra hit or two due to such a low health.

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Pre Battle Thoughts:

Honestly I think this is going to be a close one. Very similar lineups with perhaps a slight edge in my direction. I think this is what I enjoy about Splinterlands- with such a multitude of options, there are a plethora of combinations which makes the game much more exciting.

With players vying for spots on the leaderboard, it is a constant battle to chase the victory. The addition of Rebellion cards, whilst not on display in this battle, broadens opportunities further and provides different avenues to explore. I do believe that with the current prices you could easily pick up a very cheap Bronze deck for a fraction of the cost that I certainly paid for it two years ago!

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The Battle:

Battle Link

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

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Post Battle Thoughts:

  • Overall I think the battle was an interesting one from a strategy perspective as both players opted for the same idea and mostly the same lineup
  • The biggest difference maker here was the level of the cards used as the speed and health benefits really told as they combined toward the end of the battle.
  • I don't have many Rebellion monsters, so I would like to try and include some of those in the next battle. As they are part of the new Modern format. Besides... I need to collect them!

  • Looking at the SPS and RP earned at the end of the battle here it is clear that using a Gold foil card at the correct level is really beneficial to the RP earned in matches. I spent quite a while building a small collection of Chaos Common Gold Foil cards and Gold Foil Summoners and I feel like they are paying out quite nicely.
  • It took me ages to get the correct ruleset for this challenge but honestly I think I have caught the Splinterlands bug again.

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Splinterlands Earth divider by freeztag
Splinterlands Icon Divider made by holdeck and available here

All card, icons, Splinter images and stats courtesy of Splinterlands

Ability and Ruleset blurbs taken from Splintercards

Splinter Element Icons taken from Splinterlands
I have reformatted them into PNG files which you are welcome to use here

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