Get Ready For Grain Scarcity in Splinterlands!

For a good while I built my Grain-DEC LP position, knowing Grain will not be abundant as it is nowadays.

But... the slow development on land made me give up that sound long-term strategy for more pressing goals. Initially, more DEC to make all my plots productive (which I did, but I'd still need a lot more DEC for optimizing lower-end plots), and recently, to push for my SPS stake goal, which I ignored for too long to favor land.

That means that I practically depleted my Grain-DEC LP position and swapped all Grain that workers didn't need to feed to DEC and then SPS. It helped a bit with my immediate goals, but long term, for land, that's not good.

Let's see why.

In both the recent SPS DAO Town Hall, and in the People's Guild podcast where he was invited, @cryptomancer talked about Land 1.75 (those versions seems to slow down as we progress with land, lol).

In Land 1.75, three new resources will be added:

  • wood
  • stone
  • iron

Moreover, each plot will only be able to produce the type of resource that is associated with it, unlike now, when all plots can produce Grain.

The 3 new resources will be necessary to produce SPS or Research in Land 1.75.

But what's more important, the grain production of everyone will drop significantly, unless they have built all their Grain Farms on plains, rivers, bogs, or lakes only. Which is very unlikely, in most cases!

I checked, and only 22 out of 100 plots I have can produce Grain. And of the 22, one plot is epic magic, so suitable for Research more than for Grain production. Also, 4 common plots of the 22 are magic too... I'm left left with 17 natural plots that will produce Grain, of which only one epic. I might use the common magic plots for Grain production too.

So, I won't be in a great position with Grain after 1.75 will be released, likely in Q1 next year, and I need to stock up on Grain.

Luckily, one of my goals was to increase my Grain productivity to over 400k PP, which is far more than I need to feed the workers, so I have a good excess of Grain every week.

We don't know what resource costs, other than Grain, will be to produce SPS and Research from 1.75, but normally, Stone is the rarest resource except Iron, and I'll be producing a lot of Stone (and even some Iron)... We'll need more details, but I think I'll be just fine. And that's just 1.75. When 2.0 comes, there are new major adjustments to be made.

Have the changes for Land 1.75 caught you off guard? Even if they did, there are at least a few months to make the necessary adjustments.

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