
Hello! For this week I'd like to share my weekly battle showcasing Animated Corpse's utility at Level 1 in the Bronze / Silver 3 League.


Animated Corpse may seem a little underwhelming as a common card, but he does have his utility because he fits perfectly as a 1st or 2nd tank option in Little League, and the Void that he gets at higher levels (Silver playable) really protects him against the dreaded Magic meta right now (especially with Owster Rotwell as your summoner).

Battle Preview

Link to the battle here!

Ruleset & Strategy


Reverse Speed and Up Close and Personal with a very low mana usually present two viable options: Fire and Death. One of the main reasons for this is both Cerberus and Haunted Spirit are really the only Starter Cards available that have a Heal ability. In this case though, I knew that he was gonna go Fire because 1) most likely a bot and 2) the Death option for 12 using Haunted Spirit won't allow me to abuse the Reverse speed ruleset.

SZintar Mortalis image.pngWith my opponent going Malric Inferno, I picked Zintar to counter the damage. This will ensure the survivability of my monsters, especially since I wasn't planning to run Haunted Spirit.
1Animated Corpse image.pngEven without Little League, I put Animated Corpse as the tank here instead of Haunted Spirit because he has a slower speed and the 1 less mana cost allowed me to add more monsters in the back line.
2Maggots image.pngAnother one of my favorite Opportunity cards in Death, because it has a 1 mana cost (but the real reason is that at higher levels, it gets Scavenger. In any case, it was a good fit for this battle because of the Reverse Speed.
3Battering Ram image.pngYou can't go wrong with a 2-mana Opportunity card, but given its base stats, it really doesn't get much love. I feel like it shines in rulesets like Reverse Speed though, so it's handy to have. At higher levels, it gets Shatter, which instantly breaks any armor on the lowest health monster (hmmm I wonder what applications it has?).

I would normally find a space for a Furious Chicken here, but given that it's my alt account (which only gets by with reward card delegations and renting for power), it's definitely missing from this lineup. Don't forget the chicken!

Round 1


At first glance, this really doesn't look good. However, the Reverse Speed ruleset allows me to take out his Serpentine Spy first, before he can get a chance to hit me. Regardless, my monster lineup was not ideal, and I simply wanted to abuse the Reverse Speed ruleset. After my monsters hit, there was still 1 HP on Kobold Miner, and thankfully he missed his attack.

Cerberus's heal negated Corpse's attack, and swung in for 2.

Round 2


In this round I'll be able to take out Kobold Miner for sure, but the big problem is Cerberus' heal. I would be doing a net damage of 2 per round, which means Animated Corpse has to be amazing at dodging the hits in order for me to win this. RNG gods blessed me today, at I got the first miss.

Round 3 / Cleanup


Whether or not Cerberus hit, he's now at 4 health and all my monsters will be able to get an attack in before he heals, resulting in a quick cleanup. GG.

Final Thoughts

In Bronze/Silver, Animated Corpse doesn't get much love unless 1) Little League and 2) there are really no other splinters left open. For a common card though, he has some pretty solid base stats, but is easily outshined by other Beta cards that are available. At higher levels he does get Void, which helps protect against magic in combination with Owster, but again, there are better options. Overall I think that his use in the game for Bronze / Silver 3 is limited to Little League and Reverse Speed, as seen in the battle above.

I sincerely hope this helps you enjoy the game more and appreciate its depth and strategy. 😁

Good luck, and may your rewards chests always contain gold foil legendaries.


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