War Chaang The War Machine: Splinterlands Weekly Challenge


Hello fellow summoners,

This week's weekly challenge is about the war chaang. The war chaang is one of my favorite monsters since it boosts 2 kinds of attacks, ranged and melee. This can make it super dangerous for your opponent in rulesets that allow melee monsters to attack from the back or ranged to attack from the front. So without further ado,



Card Levels


War Chaang starts off with a useful ability, retaliate which has a 50% chance of attacking back at a melee attacker. War Chaang also has a lot of health and starts off with a higher melee attack than range but both attacks even out at max level with a cap of 3. It also get the ability trample which is very useful in killing multiple units.



The ruleset for this match was close ranged which is perfect for war chaang since it can use both of its attacks up front. Low mana battles means I have to be conservative with my mana but I have good low mana support troops which will allow me to support my war chaang.

Monsters and Summoners

Selina Sky:


Gives my war chaang +1 ranged which will be useful once it goes up to first position. It is also a cheap mana summoner giving me more mana to work with for this match.

Dragon Spirit


Very good cheap tank. One of the new dice cards, I really like it since it has very useful abilities like immunity and redemption that along with its high health makes it worth every mana.

Furious Chicken


It serves as a cheap meatshield for stalling my enemies in case they get past my dragon spirit. Gives them a turn before the wrath of my War Chaang is UNLEASHED UPON THEM!

War Chaang


The almighty war chaang is here in 3rd position to get a couple of hits off in the back before moving to the front to serve as my secondary tank.



Cheap 1 mana card with great abilities. I was running low on mana at this point and for just 1 mana, brownie could give me both a speed boost and +1 melee attack to all my monsters. Boy, my War Chaang is going to be a complete MONSTER!

Khmer Princess


Great Cheap mana healer allowing me to heal my Dragon Spirit and war chaang to keep them alive for longer and letting me wreck more havoc.

Child of The Forest


Great cheap monster with insane attack and a useful snipe ability for taking out and weak backline monsters like spark pixies and the such.

Battle Analysis

You can watch the battle here: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=933c4569b6936a7e52fc769de6da69c8eeb3a5bd

Turn 1


My opponent took immediate advantage of the ruleset and went with Earth Elemental in first position. It is a very good card with high health, damage, and heal for only 3 mana! Swamp Thing and Spirit of the Forest are the support units of this battle for him and Magi is his main attacker.

His Spirit of the Forest immediately takes out my Furious Chicken using its snipe ability, and my Child of the Forest responds in like, sniping the Swamp Thing. The magi hits my Dragon Spirit and my Khmer Princess heals it and hits the Earth Elemental. The War Chaang takes out the Elemental's armor and the Earth Elemental attacks but misses my Dragon Spirit. The Swamp Thing also follows suit and misses.

Turn 2


Spirit of the Forest and Magi attack doing damage to both my War Chaang and Dragon Spirit. Child of the Forest hits his Swamp thing and my Khmer Princess heals the War Chaang and Dragon Spirit. War Chaang Does a lot of damage to Earth Elemental but it heals and hits my Dragon Spirit. Swamp Thing proceeds to miss my Dragon Spirit.

Turn 3


The Spirit of the Forest hits my War Chaang and I manage to kill that Swamp Thing with my Child of the Forest. The Magi of the Forest manages to kill my Dragon Spirit making it do 1 damage to all enemy monsters using its redemption ability. My War Chaang gets to the front and this is where things started to get exciting.
My War Chaang gets healed by my Khmer Princess and my War Chaang does its double attack using its range and melee attack and utterly DESTROYING the Earth Elemental. The War Chaang then Tramples the Magi of the Forest.

Turn 4


The Spirit of the Forest attacks the Khmer Princess and my Child of the Forest attacks then snares the Spirit of the Forest. The Magi hits my War Chaang and my Khmer Princess heals it. the War Chaang does its double attack again and kills the Magi then Tramples the Spirit of the Forest.

Turn 5


My Child of the Forest and my Khmer Princess both managed to take a bite out of the Spirit of the forest before it got destroyed by my War Chaang


I LOVE the war chaang for many reasons including its two types of attacks that are very useful in battles like the one I just showed. It also has the useful ability to trample and retaliate which I absolutely love. I use this beast in almost every battle and I almost never regret it.

That concludes this week's weekly challenge and as always,



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