The Digger of The Burning Lands: Kobold Miner - Splinterlands Weekly Challenge


Hey fellow summoners,

This week, we are going to focus on the Kobold Miner, a very useful beta card. I personally love this card and even though my Kobold Miner is very low level, it is still very useful in certain battles like the one I am about to show to you guys. SO without further ado,



Card Levels


Kobold Miner stats start of as weak but still relatively good compare to other cards. I would recommend getting it to level 3 at least because it doesn't cost much at all to level it up and it gains a decent attack damage. If you really like using this guy, get him to level 8 at least since it gets 3 attack which can be devastating. It also becomes quite fast, usually getting a hit off before your enemy monster can attack. The combination makes this card very deadly



The ruleset for this battle was Knock-Out meaning that Stunned Monsters take 2x the amount of damage and Earthquake which means all non-flying monsters are going to take 2 damage every turn.

The mana cap is also really high but I plan to use super high mana monsters so my last monster needs an attacker like Kobold Miner which is cheap yet still does a lot of damage.

Summoners and Monsters

ArchMage Arius

Since the mana cap is high, I am allowed to spurge a bit on my Summoner. My summoner gives +1 attack to all my monsster no matter what kind of attack they have which is very useful.

Robo-Dragon Knight

Very good frontline defender, it costs a lot but it is very effective at doing its job. Void and Divine Shield are also super useful abilities.


Awesome secondary tank and it also acts as an anti-snipe counter. Does a lot of damage too and costs a lot but again, high mana cap means high mana monsters.

Gold Dragon

Very good Flying Dragon Monster, it does a lot of damage, can do a lot of blast damage, and it can self heal too which is very useful in all kinds of situations.

Dragon Jumper

Good Flying opportunity monster which has super high attack and can snare the opponent's monsters making them easier to hit and vunerable to earthquakes.

Kbold Miner

Ran out of mana here with only 2 mana remaining so I decided to put in a decent sneak monster to wreck havoc on my enemy's backside and hopefully taking out any weak attackers that might cause damage to my Robo-Dragon Knight

Furious Chicken

Can't forget the chicken! I put the chicken here to counter my opponent's possible sneak monsters as well as opportunity monsters.

Battle Analysis

You can follow the battle here:

Turn 1


One look at my opponent's cards and you can tell that I immediately win. This is why I am glad of the new collection power update, new players should NOT be near Champ 1 where I am currently fighting at. Hopefully after the update, higher level players will take the place of these lower level players and the game will become more fun and competitive. Assuming he had higher level cards, I believe it would have been a harder fight to win. Nonetheless, let's see what unfolds.

My Robo-Dragon Knight immediately starts taking a beating but it can handle it. The Dragon Jumper jumps into action and takes out the Tower Griffin while my Gold Dragon takes out the Gloridax Soldier. Cornelius takes care of the Sand Worm and the Kobold Miner hurts the Evangelist a lot.

Turn 2


The quakes take out my furious chicken and hurts my Kobold Miner but otherwise, nothing has changed.
Robo-Dragon Knight takes another beating but is still going strong, Dragon Jumper kills the Evangelist, Gold Dragon hurts the Diamond Dragon a lot and Blasts the Fire Spitter and my Kobold Miner kills the Fire Spitter.

Turn 3


Quakes take out my Kobold Miner but my Gold Dragon takes out the Diamond Dragon and I win.


That was an absolute steemroll and should show that level 1 card players do not even remotely belong in Champion which is why I am thankful for the new Collection Power update which will be coming in at the end of the season. If my opponent had normal leveled cards though, the Kobold Miner would certainly be useful in taking out the Evanelist and maybe even the Fire Spitter before they do too much damage to my Robo-Dragon Knight. I know this battle really doesn't showcase Kobold Miner's true power but there are too many low level players in Champion which are hindering my ability to show good battles with certain cards. Hope that changes after the Collection Power update.

Thank you guys for reading my post and as always BATTLE ON!

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