The Child Sniper - Child of The Forest: Splinterlands Weekly Challenge


Hey fellow summoners,

I'd like to begin with a thank you to CarrieAllen for choosing something that is simple to use. Over the past few weeks, there were quite a few monsters that we had to showcase and finding the suitable battle for them was difficult. Child of the Forest, on the other hand, is very simple to use and in fact, I use it quite often. It is quite useful for sniping enemy units and its fast speed and high attack makes it very deadly.


Card Levels


Child of the Forest starts off as pretty weak having only 1 ranged attack. Once you level it up to level 3, it gets 2 ranged attack and starts becoming deadly. When it gets to levvel 5, it unlocks a pretty useful skill, snare, which can remove the flying ability from enemy units. At level 8, it has become a force to be reckoned with, having 3 attack per shot, 6 health, and the snare ability making it very deadly in a sniping game.




It is going to be target practice and Taking Sides for this battle it seems. Also pretty low mana making Child of the Forest very useful in this battle.


Battle Analysis

Follow the Battle here at:

Summoners and Monsters

Prince Ryenn

I'm going to be using Prince Ryenn for this battle. Normally this wouldn't be ideal for any other splinter but Earth has some very useful low mana monsters that I would be utilizing. Sacrificing 5 mana for +1 ranged, speed, and health is a good tradeoff.


Brownie is a low cost high payoff monster. I am expecting my opponent to go with a low attack tank and fill the back with snipe monsters.

Failed Summoner

Very good 2 mana monster, it helps give my team useful buffs and also serves as a tank against the snipe monsters that my opponent will have.

Swamp Thing

Serves as a cheap meatshield incase my failed summoner dies and its debuffs and attack can be really useful in a battle.

Khmer Princess

Super useful UNTAMED monsters. It will be the healer of my team and tank healing the Brownie will healing the back with Triage.

Child of the Forest

I put Child near the back so it can snipe the enemy for a long time before possibly being brought down by the opponent. Its snipe ability is kind of useless here since it will get it from the ruleset but I still use it because of its high attack and fast speed.

Javelin Thrower

I had 5 mana left and I put the rest to use by selecting Javelin Thrower as my last monster.It has super high ranged attack and its high speed and dodge ability will prevent any sneak monsters from getting a hit off.



Turn 1


My opponent did as I predicted and put a bunch of snipe monsters behind a slow tank. My brownie can easily keep the stone golem occupied while my swift-footed snipe monsters take the snipers at the back out. The battle begins as planned with my Child of the Forest with Javelin Thrower assistance taking out the swamp thing and doing heavy damage to the Javelin Thrower. My Failed summoner is absorbing the shots fairly well and my Khmer princess is doing its best to keep it alive. The brownie is doing a farily good job at staying alive and the stone golem misses it.

Turn 2


The Javelin Thrower managed to miss the opponent's Javelin Thrower but my Child of the Forest managed to take it out. We are moving onto the last of the opponent's ranged monster and my failed summoner is holding up really well. My Brownie got hit but it will survive and Khmer Princess will heal it next turn.

Turn 3


My Javelin Thrower and Child of the Forest Snipe team managed to make quick work of the Earth Elemental and putting the last nail into the coffin (I think the saying is something like that but I'm not sure. Will Google it up afterwards 😆)

Turn 4


My heavy hitters (not the ruleset) destroyed the stone golem and winning me the battle. That felt like a steem-roll but let's get to that in the conclusion.



OK so as I mentioned before, that was an absolute steemroll. I didn't lose any of my monsters or was I ever close to doing so. This is mainly because I took out his attackers before they managed to do a great deal of damage to my backline. Had my monsters first dealt with the stone golem, I may have been the one pummeled to oblivion. Thankfully my fast dual sniper strategy worked well against my opponent's formation and shows how deadly Child of the Forest can be when combined with other fast snipers.

That is the end of my post fellow summoners and as always, BATTLE ON!

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