Splinterlands at DYGYCON



Hello fellow summoners,

It is that time again, where Splinterlands is hosting yet another DYGYCON! The first DYGYCON was a blast, with awesome prizes and auctions so I am sure that the second one will be just as great if not better! @carrieallen and @chrisroberts have organized an event called challenge the pros where participants can challenge the pros and try their luck at beating them. If you do beat them, you win an NFT award. Some pros are also giving away prizes from their own stash too! Each pro has a 30 minute window which to the best of my knowledge, are here:

SLOT 1 10:00-10:30 @xawi
SLOT 2 10:30-11:00 @steamdan
SLOT 3 11:00-11:30 @toocurious
SLOT 4 11:30-12:00 @fighter4-freedom
SLOT 5 12:00-12:30 @jacekw
SLOT 6 12:30-1:00 @byzantinist
SLOT 7 (Overflow) 1:00-1:30 @cornavirus

All the times are in EST and in the afternoon.


Do you have any questions or want to know more? Additional details are here:



Sign up here: https://app.gamerjibe.com/events/601f0a2c6b14638694b62f94

For such a huge event, there is NO WAY, as a pro, I could not give out prizes to the people who beat me and as such, to do something similar to @byzantinist's promotion (@byzantinist/splinterlands-are-you-cat-enough-for-the-dygy-kitty-challenge), I will be giving away 3 Untamed Legendary Normal Foiled Kron the Undyings to 3 random people who beat me. You are allowed to challenge more than 1 pro and more than 1 time per pro but you must go to the end of the line again. If you beat me additional times, you can win additional entries (but still only get 1 prize). Looking at the schedule, you can see that I am accepting challenges at 1:00pm EST - 1:30pm EST. I will be accepting challenges from 2 accounts, my main @cornavirus account and the @cryptoreaper account which cryptoreaper was kind enough to lend to me. This way people can form 2 lines and we can get the challenges done quicker.

Hope to see you guys there at DYGYCON but for now, BATTLE ON!


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