Leveling the Playing Field With Equalizer: Splinterlands Weekly Challenge


Hey fellow summoners,

This week, Carrie tells us to show a battle using the Equalizer rule. The Equalizer rule is one of the newest rules and it states that monsters have all the same health based off of the highest health monster in the match. This can make for some pretty long and epic battles and shine the spotlight on previously though useless units.

Welcome to the weekly challenge of Equalizer!


More About the Rule


Equalizer is one of the best rules to have in low mana to mid mana matches because it allows you to put many low health monsters and then 1 high health monster to boost all your monster's health up. It also makes games last very long since it is hard to kill an opponent's monster due to their high health.



This battle that I will be showing is a combination of a 12 mana battle, Equalizer and Melee Mayhem ruleset. This means that all of the cards I will be using will be very low mana.

Monsters and Summoners

Camilla Sungazer


I chose Camilla for my summoner because of its -1 melee attack debuff. I felt that the opponent would take advantage of the melee mayhem ruleset and put down lots of melee monsters so the -1 melee attack would be helpful.

Enchanted Defender


Enchanted Defender is one of those cards that do outstandingly well in Equalizer. Its 1 health makes it sucky at normal battles but in equalizer, its high armor and health and its thorns ability makes it a complete savage.

Tortisian Fighter


It has high attack, the shield and repair ability, all for a cheap 4 mana. Who wouldn't want that on their team? I put it here since it will help repair Enchanted Defender's armor and serve as a secondary tank.



Cheap 1 mana healer, really nothing bad to say about it! It will help keep my tanks alive for this battle.

Furious Chicken


And you can't forget the chicken. Awesome 2 attack card it helps protect against sneak attacks. Enrage is also really good on chicken and any sneakers will find themselves helping my cause!

Battle Analysis

You can follow the battle here: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=363ca6bb1f5baa450c28e3ff8ee9f6f514efb8e2

turn 1


I am GLAD I went with Camilla since my opponent took such a huge advantage of the melee mayhem rule and used ALL melee. Camilla -1 attack from all his monsters making their attack hurt less.

After all his buffs, his monsters took no time at throwing themselves at my Enchanted Defender. Thankfully my Thorns damaged all of his monsters and bring his chicken to 2 health.

Turn 2

The cycle repeats once more with his monsters throwing themselves at my defender and my defender thorning them. Managed to take out both the chicken and the ooze but not before losing a lot of armor and health on my defender. Thankfully the Tortisian Fighter and Albatross repaired and healed him right up.

Turn 3


Yet another round of attacking my enchanted defender and though they are hurting themselves a lot, it isn't looking good for my enchanted defender. It is only thanks to the ruleset Equalizer why I am still alive right now.

Turn 4


My enchanted defender managed to hold on with 1 health left and then my repairer and healerer healed it back up. Only his unicorn and Cocatrice are alive now. If my monsters are able to hit his monsters, then it will end next turn.

Turn 5


The Cocatrice and the Baby Unicorn immediately threw themselves at my enchanted defender leaving only the baby unicorn alive with 1 health. My furious chicken put it out of its misery leaving me with a win.


That was a VERY VERY close battle. All my monsters used in this battle were very helpful even the chicken. Camilla -1 debuff allowed my monsters to survive where my repairers and healers kept my defender for as long as possible to do thorns damage. Equalizer also played an important part since it allowed my defender to be healed instead of just dying once its armor was depleted. Overall, it was a very well played battle by coolbowser and if I had put any other setup, I would have lost.

Thank you all for reading my post and as always, remember to BATTLE ON!


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