The most underrated new Splinterlands card

As a new player I watch many videos on the Splinterlands to learn the game's tricks and stratigies. But one thing I have noticed is that most high profile tubers are whales or at least old players who have fantastic old decks with all summoners and in most cases they don't need new cards. Yet! I think they don't have to rely on the new cards and can achieve the same results with their old decks.
I think they don't consider so much that Alpha and Beta cards will go out of modern format, or they plan to play in wild. But as a new player I don't have high level old cards (or any at all) therefore I concentrate on the future decks and the powers of the new reward cards. I constantly beat players with powers of magnitudes higher and I guess way more experience with one new card I find in opponent's decks way to rarely depending on it's strengts.
Chwala  blur.jpg

What is this miracle card?

It is an Epic dragon card Djinn Chwala. Why is it so OP? Because it gives me a ton of strategies I can't use otherwise because I don't have older cards. It replaces a ton of other cards (Mylor, all dragon tanks), can be played in every game rule set and I find it to be the best tank in my deck by far.
First it is a great tank with 6/10 defense maxed, but also at 1 bcx and 5/9 this is a beast. Add decent damage (4 maxed) and speed (3 maxed) This baby is OP - and this is even without boosting it up with Kitty.
Bat wait! This is not all. Already at lvl 1 it gets Thorns. This monster comes with Mylor included and gets the dragon summoner bonus to it. Mylor is no't the most OP rare summoner for nothing - Thorns are probably the best ability in low leagues - that is why he sells for 50 bucks and more. And on level 4 it gets Enrage increasing its already good attack.
Why this card is not in every dragon hand played? I guess because most old players have Mylor (I and many new ones don't) and other cards that can hold first spot well.
Last season our guild member delegated me a maxed Chromatic Dragon - a Legendary card worth about 150 usd per bcx (thanks Vraba :) and I used it a lot, but I found out that in most cases my own level 4 Chwala at 4 usd per bcx works better.
In conclusion - Djinn Chwala gives me a great tank + Thorns + Fligth (with Brighton). It wins games on it's own in small hands and in large hands. How can this card be only worth 4 bucks?
I think it is extremely undervalued and it's price will hit the moon when new players come in, specially once it will not be minted any more. And those players will complain it is too much OP and too expensive.

How to use Chromatic Dragon

Chwala  gold.jpg
I was renting Kitty before rental prices went from high to ridicolous, but now I have to do with my Brighton and flight. Best splinters to combine it with are Life (for heal and repair) and Fire (repair) and it will often survive until the final victory.
Ma favourite hand (with Brighton or even better Kitty): Chwala, Chrystalsmith (heal), Renova (strengthen), Armoursmith (repair) and whatever goes with it (in this order of importance). Renova is better than Armoursmith because it dishes out a ton of magic damage. Another great line is: Chwala, Flame monkey (repair) and anything that pumps a lot of damage - which red has a ton of.
Try it out and let me know what you think.

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